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1998 Vol. 13, No. 2

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Transient Expression of Gus Genes Controlled by Differential Regulator Sequences in Citrus Protoplasts
Wang Feng, Zhu Zhen, Li Xianghui, Zhang Wencai
1998, 13(2): 1-5.
Gus genes controlled by several kinds of regulator sequences were introduced into citrus protoplasts respectively by PEG and lipofectin mediated transformation.The transient expression of gus gene in citrus protoplasts had been investigated.The expression level of the citrus protoplasts transformated with plasimid pBI121 and p35SGSINT (both gus genes were controlled by CaMV35S promoter) was higher than that transformated with plasmid pAT13 (gus gene controlled by Adhl promoter) and pRGN73 (gus gene under control of rice rbcs promoter).It was found that intron increase the expression level in citrus protoplasts.
Combining Ability and Hereditary Capacity of 14 Maize Inbred Lines
Yang Renzhen, Lu Heding, Xue Zhuzheng, Lin Jianxin, Lu Jishi
1998, 13(2): 6-10.
The combining ability for main quantitative characters of 14 maize inbred lines and 24 combinations were analysed in P1譖2 incomplete diallel crossing design,and 5 excellent inbred lines and 6 strong superiority combinations were selected from them.The results of combining ability in genotypic variance and hereditary estimation showed that additive variance of most characters were higher than their dominant variance,heritability of general combining ability was higher than that of special combining ability,so inbred lines which had high general combining ability should be selected as parent materials.
Correlation Between Seed Oilbearing Rate and Main Agronomic Characters and Their Selection
Lin Guoqiang, Li Aiping, Li Guangxing
1998, 13(2): 11-15.
The results of varicance analysis on genetic parameters (genetic correlation,genetic gain and selection index) in rape showed that correlation between some main characters such as numbers of the first order effective branches,effective pods per plant,seed numbers per pod and seed weight per plant and seed oil bearing were positive,while correlation between 1000 seed weight and seed oil bearing was negative.Furthermore all these characters had a great correlated genetic gain (CGS) to seed oil bearing rate;Index selection had an advantage over direct selection and correlative selection;The selection index which consisted of the first order effective branches numbers,the effective pods numbers per plant,1000-seed weight and seed weight per plant had the best effect on selecting oil bearing rate.
Field Culture Technique for Drynursery Rice Seedlings of Shanyou 016
He Changlong, Hong Zegen, Yang Qinglang, Chen Jianliang, Shen Xiangyan
1998, 13(2): 16-18.
Culturing dry nursery seedlings was a new technique for high yield and high efficiency in rice production.In addition to the key techniques for nursering rice seedlings,field culture technique was an important link.Study on Shanyou 016 in early cropping season showed a whole set of techniques,relationships among various culturing factors amd how to achieve high yield and high efficiency in rice production.
The Onscale Mechanical Culture of Rice in Fujian Coastal Area
Lin Jisheng, Zhang Lin, Li Qinghua, Zhang Hanliang
1998, 13(2): 19-23.
The results of ten years’ experiments in Fuzhou, Changle, Fuqing, Jinjiang and Shisi showed that mechanical transplanting the rice seedling on polypropylene reduced labour cost by 52.7%~74.8%,reduced total cost by 21.4%~22.5% and increased efficiency by 108%~196% compared with the transplanting by hand.
Comparison Between the Eggplant Cultivars Friendship 1 and Minqie 1
Huang Biqi, Huang Feipeng, Huang Zhongwen, Zhang Zehuang
1998, 13(2): 24-29.
Friendship 1 was the cultivar with early maturity,resistance to disease and adverse,great branching ability,high and stable yield,good quality,compared with the major cultivar Minqie 1 in Fujian province.The fruit was stick and regular in shape,the peel was bright purplish red with lustre and thin.The flesh was fine with few seeds,the average yield was 45~52 t/hm2 and the highest yield reached 78 t/hm2,its yield increased by above 15% than that of the major cultivar.
The Comparative Studies on Fluorescence Reaction and HCN Production of the Health and Diseased Chinese Cabbage
Chen Qinghe, Weng Qiyong, He Yuxian, Xie Shiyong
1998, 13(2): 30-32.
Twenty and ninety rhizobacteria were isolated from the healthy and diseased Chinese cabbage individually, and their fluorescence reaction and HCN production were compared.The results showed that the rhizobacter amount possesses fluorescence reaction isolated from healthy cabbage was more than those of rhizobacteria from diseased plants, but there was no difference in the HCN production of rhizobacteria between healthy and diseased plants.However, there was significantly difference in HCN production between the fluorescence producing rhizobacteria isolated from healthy or diseased Chinese cabbage.
Advances in Research of Pseudomonas solanacearum of Crop in China
Lu Tong
1998, 13(2): 33-40.
This paper presented a comprehensive review of the studies on the physiological race,biochemicaltype,serotype,lysotype,pathogenictype,strains of Pseudomonas solanacearum of crop in China.And the advance in studies on the bacteriocin of Pseudomonas solanacearum and the induced resistance by using Pseudomonas solanacearum avirulent strains were stated.The crop varieties resistance to Pseudomonas solanacearum were also commented,and the control method of crop bacterial wilt was contributed.
Studies on Reproductive Character of Mule Duck
Tan Junzhi, Chen Hui, Song Jianjie, Liu Yutao
1998, 13(2): 41-46.
Two male mule ducks with sexual behavior and seven female ducks with different development reproductive organ were selected from a herd of F1 ducks crossbred from Beijing duck (♂) and Muscovy duck (♀).The experiments of anatomy, histology and cross showed that intergeneric hybrid duck didn’t lose their fertility completely; The agenesis of F1 duck ovary was the direct reason for the low reproductivity; The different karyotype in Pair 1 and Z chromosome of Muscovy duck and Beijing duck was the major reason for infertility in their F1 progenies.
Diagnosis of Sulfur Deficiency and the Effect of Sulfur on Rice Grain Yield
Chen Qiulin, Li Yan, Yao Yuanqiong, Chen Muwang
1998, 13(2): 53-57.
The field and hydroponic experiments were conducted to confirm the effect of sulfur on rice grain yield and diagnostic index of sulfur deficiency,the results showed as follows: ①Fertilization of sulfur enhanced the number of effective panicles,percentage of filled grain and 1000 grain weight,significantly increased the grain yield.In sandy soils,which contained medium available sulfur,the proper doses of sulfur fertilizer was 15 kg per hectare. ②The effect of sulfur deficiency on rice grain yield was more serious at tillering stage than that at seedling and ear developing stage.Sulfur fertilizer should be applied as basic fertilizer. ③The proper organ for sulfur diagnosis was rice leaves.Total sulfur,sulfate sulfur and N/S ratio could be used for sulfur diagnosis and the critical levels were 0.11%,190 μg/g and 31 respectively at tillering stage.
The Effect of Nitrogen on Grain Yield of Hydrid Rice
Li Yizhen, Zheng Jingsheng, Zhuang Zhanlong, Huang Yumin, Yang Huijie
1998, 13(2): 58-64.
The experiment was conducted in Longhai,Fujian,China during 1991-1993.Results showed that the relationship between nitrogen absorbed by rice plant and amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied appeared as a curve;The nitrogen use efficiency of rice plant was decreased when the amount of nitrogen applied increased;However,both of the accumulation of dry weight and grain yield of hybrid rice showed as parabola related to the rate of nitrogen applied;The optimum rate of nitrogen for hybrid rice in Longhai was about 130-144 kg N/hm2;The nitrogen contain in leaf at different growing stages was an important index for obtaining higher grain yield of hybrid rice.Those indexes were 4.3%-4.5%,3.7%-4.1%,2.8%-2.9% and 1.4%-1.5% at tillering,panicle initiation,heading and maturing stage,respectively.
Introduction and Selection of Forage in Northern Fujian Red Soil Region Ⅰ.Temperate Species
Luo Tao, Weng Boqi, Lin Jiaojian, Liu Changhuai, A. Casanova, P. Horne, D. MacLeod, J. Scott
1998, 13(2): 47-52.
Eighty-eight temperate strains were introduced to Jianyang,Fujian province.The trial of these strains was observed in way of Field Evaluation of Plant Gene Resource in Indonesia and was analyzed in PATN (Belb,1987) Software so as to research its adaptability.Four fine strains of temperate forage were selected.They were Trifolium repens cv Haifa, Triticale,Dactyls glomerata cv Porto and Eragrostis curvula cv Consol lovegrass.Triticale was a new annual fine strains with qualities of early spring,high yield,resistance to Al and to acidity.Both the grain and the plant of Triticale could be used as fine forage.Porto and Consol lovegrass showed perennial ability and characteristics of resistance to acidity,high yield and good quality.Haifa obtained the ability of over-summering and perennial.