• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Research on Fertilization Technology for Reducing Fertilizer Application to Increase Efficiency with Soil Acidification Treatment in Sweet Potato

  • 摘要:
    目的 探讨最佳施肥管理技术,提高甘薯施肥效益,治理土壤酸化现象。
    方法 在福建省甘薯主产区开展系列田间试验的基础上,确定有机肥替代化肥的最佳比例和农用氢氧化镁、牡蛎壳粉调理剂的最佳用量,探讨其化肥减量增效和改酸的应用效果;总结提出有机-无机结合土壤酸化调理剂的施肥技术。
    结果 有机肥替代化肥比例的试验结果表明,在福建省现有土壤肥力条件下有机肥替代25%化肥相较于其他替代比例,薯块产量最高,净增收达13.5%。进一步田间试验表明,有机肥替代25%化肥的施肥措施在全省不同肥力等级田块上均具有普遍的增产效果,高产田、中产田和低产田甘薯分别增产4.1%、7.2%和18.5%;相较于高产田,中、低产田增产效果更加明显,表明有机肥还可以改良培肥中、低产田,进一步提高土壤生产潜力。土壤酸化调理剂最佳用量试验结果显示,在推荐施肥的基础上添加300 kg·hm−2的农用氢氧化镁或者1500 kg·hm−2的牡蛎壳粉的增产和改酸效果较好。化肥减量和酸化治理技术的田间示范显示,有机肥替代25%化肥配施300 kg·hm−2农用氢氧化镁调理剂的施肥措施相较于习惯施肥,甘薯产量显著提高4641.7 kg·hm−2,土壤pH提高0.49个pH单位。
    结论 在推荐施肥基础上,有机肥替代25%化肥配施300 kg·hm−2农用氢氧化镁或者1500 kg·hm−2牡蛎壳粉是甘薯减肥增效和土壤酸化治理的最佳施肥技术。


    Objective  An optimized fertilization for sweet potato farming that could simultaneously reduce fertilizer usage, increase land fertility, and regress soil acidifying was formulated.
    Method  Based on the results accumulated from years of field experiments conducted in the major sweet potato producing areas of Fujian province, a fertilization program applying organic and chemical fertilizers and soil conditioners were proposed. Effects of partially replacing chemicals with organic fertilizers and adding magnesium hydroxide and/or oyster shell conditioner on soil fertility and acidification at farmlands of varied fertility and productivity were analyzed.
    Result More than other replacement rates, substituting 25% conventionally applied inorganic compounds with organic fertilizers had demonstrated an increased tuber yield by 13.5% in sweet potato cultivation field trials. The increase varied depending upon the fertility and productivity of the site. The application appeared to be more effective on barren soils, as it raised the yield by 4.1% on the highly productive lands, 7.2% on the intermediately productive lots, and 18.5% on lowly productive fields. For remedying acidification on land, the addition of agricultural magnesium hydroxide at a rate of 300 kg·hm−2 or oyster shells at 1 500 kg·hm−2 in soil not only raised the pH but also the yield of sweet potatoes grown on it. On the field where 25% chemicals were replaced by an organic fertilizer along with 300 kg·hm−2 of magnesium hydroxide application, a significantly increased tuber yield of 4 641.7 kg·hm−2 and soil pH by 0.49 over the conventional fertilization was achieved.
    Conclusion  Replacing 25% of chemical fertilizer with an organic one and adding agricultural magnesium hydroxide at a rate of 300 kg·hm−2 or oyster shells at 1 500 kg·hm−2 for fertilization significantly reduced the fertilizer usage, improved the efficiency, and mitigated the soil acidification in sweet potato farming.


