• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Identification and Sequences of Key Polyphenol-synthesis Genes in Mango Pulp

  • 摘要:
    目的 鉴定探究杧果(Mangifera indica L.)苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanineammonialyase, PAL)与杧果多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase, PPO)基因(MiPALMiPPO)家族成员及其在杧果果肉生长发育中的表达调控模式。
    方法 基于杧果基因组,利用生物信息学方法,从蛋白质特性、系统进化关系、基因结构、启动子顺式作用元件等多个方面鉴定MiPALMiPPO基因家族成员,并通过转录组分析鉴定MiPAL、MiPPO基因家族成员的表达模式。
    结果 杧果中共鉴定出10个MiPAL基因家族成员,1个MiPPO基因家族成员;MiPAL、MiPPO蛋白均属于稳定蛋白与亲水性蛋白,多定位于叶绿体。多物种PAL、PPO基因系统发育分析表明,PAL、PPO基因均被分为4个亚组,木本植物基因家族成员多分布在同一亚组。序列分析显示,25%MiPAL基因缺少内含子,MiPPO基因无内含子序列。10个MiPAL基因分布于5条染色体与1条碎片片段上,11对片段复制基因和7个串联重复基因;MiPPO基因定位于染色体Chr12,与毛果杨(Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray)PPO13为同源基因。顺式作用元件分析确定了MiPAL、MiPPO成员启动子中包含生长发育元件、激素响应元件和逆境响应相关元件,表明其呈诱导型表达。MiPAL基因分别在幼果期与成熟期高表达;MiPPO基因在成熟期高表达。
    结论 杧果基因组中共鉴定得到10个MiPAL基因家族成员与1个MiPPO基因家族成员,同家族成员基因结构较为保守;MiPALMiPPO表达调控因素较多,其中MiPAL7的表达模式与杧果果肉多酚含量变化趋势相符,表明其参与了杧果果肉中多酚积累。


    Objective Genes of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (MiPAL) and polyphenol oxidase (MiPPO) syntheses inMangifera indica L. were identified with their regulation functions on fruit growth and development determined.
    Methods  Using bioinformatics methods and mango genomes, the PAL and PPO family members in the fruits were identified based on analyses of protein characteristics, phylogenetic relationship, gene structure, and promoter cis acting elements. Expressions of the identified genes during fruit development were determined by transcriptome analysis.
    Results  Ten PALs and onePPO in the mangos were identified. They were stable, hydrophilic proteins located mainly in the chloroplasts. Being a woody plant, these genes are phylogenetically in a same subgroup of 4 PAL and PPO categories. The sequences of 25% of MiPALs lacked introns, and that of MiPPO without intron at all. The 10 MiPALs were distributed in 5 chromosomes and one fragment with 11 pairs of segmental duplication genes and 7 tandem duplication genes. Located in chromosome Chr12, MiPPO was homologous to PPO13 in Populus tomentosa. The cis acting elements in the promoters of MiPAL and MiPPO contained those of growth, development, and hormone and stress responses expressed in an inducible pattern. MiPALs were highly expressed in the fruits at both young and mature stages, whereas MiPPO only at maturation.
    Conclusion  With the information obtained, further exploration on the molecular regulatory mechanisms and biological functions of polyphenol accumulation in mango pulp was in order.


