• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Identification and Hexon Gene Variation of Muscovy Duck Adenovirus

  • 摘要:
    目的 研究福建省番鸭白肝病病原特性、流行病学特征及病毒遗传变异状况。
    方法 从福建省福州、三明、莆田、漳州等地共收集临床疑似番鸭白肝病例9份,进行鸭腺病毒(duck adenovirus, DAdV)病原学检测,包括病原分离鉴定、血凝特性、致病性分析及hexon基因序列分析。
    结果 显示鸭腺病毒感染主要在春秋两季发生;发病率15%~40%,死亡率5%~15%。采集病死鸭病料,检测到鸭腺病毒感染;利用番鸭胚进行病毒分离,分离毒均能致死番鸭胚。番鸭感染分离毒后发病率为60%~100%,死亡率为20%~40%。9株DAdV分离毒hexon基因核苷酸同源性在99.9%以上,序列特征与CH-GD-12-2014株一致,未发生碱基缺失、插入或基因重组,较为稳定;与法国分离株DAdV -GR株同源性在76.6%~76.7%;与禽腺病毒(fowl adenovirus, FAdV)同源性在64.1%~66.8%。进化树分析显示9株分离毒与GD-12-2014株和国外分离株GR株属于同一分支,而与FAdV属于不同分支。
    结论 2022年福建省流行的番鸭腺病毒毒株为2型腺病毒。本研究结果为深入研究鸭2型腺病毒致病机理及其疫苗研制和综合防控措施提供了重要的临床资料和基础数据。


    Objective  Characteristics and epidemiology of the muscovy duck white hepatitis in Fujian were studied, and genetic variations of the pathogen capsid protein determined.
    Methods  Clinical specimens of 9 suspected muscovy duck white hepatitis cases incurred at Fuzhou, Sanming, Putian, and Zhangzhou in the province were collected to test for DAdVs using pathogen detection methods. Isolated pathogens were identified, and their hemagglutination characteristics, pathogenicity, and hexon gene sequences determined.
    Results The disease was found on muscovy ducks mostly in spring and autumn with an incidence rate of 15%–40% and a mortality rate of 5%–15%. The DAdVs were isolated and tested to be lethal to muscovy duck embryos. The infection rate of the virus on ducks ranged 60%–100% with a mortality rate of 20%–40%. The homology of the hexon gene nucleotides among the 9 isolated DAdVs was greater than 99.9%. The capsid proteins had sequences similar to that of CH-GD-12-2014 and were stable proteins without base deletion, insertion or recombination. The 9 isolates had a 99.9%–100% homology with CH-GD-12-2014 from Guangdong, 76.6%–76.7% with DAdV-GR from France, and 64.1%–66.8% with FAdV and other serotypes. They were in the same branch with GD-12-2014 and GR, but not AdV, on the phylogenetic tree.
    Conclusion  The strains of the muscovy duck adenovirus circulating in Fujian Province in 2022 belonged to the DAdV Type 2.


