• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding and Application of Fragrant Quality Restorer Line Minglunzhenzhan

  • 摘要:
    目的 选育香型优质恢复系,为培育香型优质杂交稻新品种提供优异的种质资源。
    方法 2011年,利用三明显性核不育水稻构建轮回选择群体中的显性核不育单株,与抗稻瘟病中间稳定材料明恢1101进行杂交配组,对后代可育株进行定向系谱选择,选择过程中利用咀嚼法鉴定香味,结合田间自然诱发方法鉴定稻瘟病抗性,筛选出具有香味的恢复系。
    结果 2016年选育出香型优质恢复系明轮臻占。明轮臻占具有米质优、香味浓、配合力强等优点。明轮臻占于2019年荣获第二届全国优质稻品种食味品质鉴评(籼稻)金奖;同年通过福建省品种审定委员会审定(闽审稻20190040)。目前利用明轮臻占配组出明1优臻占等多个杂交稻新品种,均具有米质优、有香味等特性,并通过国家、省级品种审定。其中明1优臻占、野香优臻占在多次米质鉴评活动中荣获金奖。
    结论 明轮臻占是香型优质恢复系,具有米质优、配合力好、香味浓等优点,既可作为高档优质米进行开发利用,也可作为恢复系进行香型优质杂交稻配组利用。


    Objective The aromatic high-quality restorer lines was selected and bred to provide excellent germplasm resources for the cultivation of new aromatic high-quality hybrid rice varieties.
    Method In 2011, a recurrent selective population containing dominant male sterile rice was constructed by Sanming dominant male sterile rice, and the resistance to rice blast restorer Minghui 1101 line were used for the hybridization. The progeny fertile strains were selected by directional pedigree selection, the aroma was identified by mastication method, and the restorer lines with aromatic were selected by natural field induction identification of rice blast.
    Result A new good quality, strong flavor and the best general combining ability restorer line, Minglunzhenzhan, was obtained in 2016. The newly bred variety won the Gold Award of the second National Quality Rice Variety Taste Quality Evaluation (indica rice) and certified by the Fujian Province Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2019. A series of new hybrid rice varieties such as Ming 1 youzhenzhan, Yexiangyouzhenzhan have been bred. All of them had the characteristics of excellent quality and fragrance, and passed the national and provincial variety approval. Among them, Ming 1 youzhenzhan and Yexiangyouzhenzhan had won gold MEDALS in many rice quality evaluation activities.
    Conclusion A new good quality, strong flavor and best general combining ability restorer line, Minglunzhenzhan, which can be used not only as a high quality rice, but also as a restorer line for high quality fragrant hybrid rice.


