• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


IL15RA Mutation Site and Relationship with Growth of Goats

  • 摘要:
    目的 检测福清山羊和努比亚山羊群体细胞介素15受体亚基α(IL15RA–interleukin 15 receptor subunit alpha, IL15RA)基因的表达谱以及突变位点多态性,分析不同位点与山羊生长性状的相关性,进一步分析IL15RA基因对山羊生长性状的影响。
    方法 随机挑选福清山羊和努比亚山羊12月龄羯羊各3只,分别采集心、肝、脾、肺、肾、头颈半棘肌、背最长肌、股四头肌和臀股二头肌共9种组织,采用qRT-PCR方法构建该基因在两个品种不同组织中的表达谱,Sanger测序检测福清山羊(n=108)和努比亚山羊(n=286)群体中IL15RA基因的SNP位点,并分析其与生长性状的相关性。
    结果 (1)IL15RA基因在肌肉组织中的表达水平显著低于内脏组织(P<0.05),福清山羊背最长肌表达水平显著低于努比亚山羊(P<0.05),肺部组织表达量显著高于努比亚山羊(P<0.05)。(2)福清山羊和努比亚山羊IL15RA基因内含子3存在1个InDel位点,为g.22224_22225 Del A,Del22224。内含子6存在1个SNP位点,为g.33428A>G。(3)SNP-g.33428位点显著影响(P<0.05)福清山羊的体重、胸围、胸宽、胸深、尻宽等指标。(4)在福清山羊中,单倍型组合DD/AA、ID/GG为优势单倍型组合;在努比亚山羊中,单倍型组合ID/AA、II/GG为优势单倍型组合。
    结论 IL15RA基因多态性与福清山羊和努比亚山羊生长性状显著相关,IL15RA基因可作为福清山羊和努比亚山羊生长性状选育的候选基因。


    Objective The interleukin 15 receptor subunit α gene (IL15RA) in goats was studied to identify the mutation site that differentiates the growth of Fuqing and Nubian goats.
    Methods Three 12-month-old Fuqing and Nubian goats each were randomly selected to collect tissue samples of the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney as well as the head and neck semispinalis muscles, longest back muscle, thigh muscle, and biceps brachii muscle for qRT-PCR to construct a spectrum of expression variations between the two goat species. The SNP of IL15RAs extracted from the Fuqing goats (n=108) and the Nubian goats (n=286) were subjected to a PCR hybridization Sanger sequencing for genotype classification using PCR-RFLP and correlation with goat growth.
    Results  (1) The IL15RA expressions in the muscles were significantly lower than those in the viscera (P<0.05); the expression in the longest back muscle of the Fuqing goats significantly lower than that of the Nubian goats (P<0.05); and the expression in the lung of the Fuqing goats significantly higher than that of the Nubian goats (P<0.05). (2) One InDel site, g.22224_222225 Del A, Del22224, was found in the intron 3 of IL15RAs of Fuqing and Nubian goats, and one SNP site, g.33428A>G, in the intron 6. (3) SNP-g.33428 significantly affected the body weight, chest circumference, chest width, and hucklebone width of Fuqing goats (P<0.05). (4) DD/AA and ID/GG were the dominant haplotype combinations in the Fuqing goats. It was ID/AA and II/GG in the Nubian goats.
    Conclusion The polymorphisms of IL15RAs significantly related to the differentiate growth traits of Fuqing and Nubian goats. The gene could conceivably become the target for improving the currently practiced molecular markers-assisted breeding programs.


