• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Cloning and Expressions of CmCCRs in Citrus maxima Sanhongmiyou

  • 摘要:
    目的 CmCCR基因是木质素合成的关键基因,本研究旨在探明该基因在柚汁胞粒化过程中的作用机制。
    方法 通过生物信息学、基因克隆与亚细胞定位和荧光定量PCR技术,筛选克隆三红蜜柚CmCCR基因,及其在两个品种(三红蜜柚和六月早1号柚)不同发育时期果实汁胞中的表达情况。利用乙酰溴法测定了柚汁胞木质素含量。
    结果 从三红蜜柚汁胞转录组数据中筛选得到5个CmCCR基因,根据果实汁胞成熟期木质素含量与CmCCRs基因的转录水平变化的相关性,初步明确CmCCR1可能参与汁胞木质素代谢;克隆所得CmCCR1基因序列,其ORF长度为1017 bp,生物信息学分析发现,该基因编码的CmCCR1蛋白分子量为37.5 KD,等电点(pI)7.06,属于稳定亲水蛋白,含有NAD(P)H/NAD(P)(+) 结合(NADB)域,与甜橙CcCCR1有3个相同的Motif,分布情况也大致相同;进化树分析结果表明,CmCCR1与甜橙CcCCR1的亲缘关系最近,且都归于双子叶植物分组;亚细胞定位结果表明CmCCR1定位于内质网(膜)上,与软件预测的结果相吻合;实时定量PCR结果显示CmCCR1基因的表达量中三红蜜柚汁胞成熟阶段显著上升,在六月早1号柚汁胞发育过程中的相对表达量一直处于较低水平,且显著低于同一发育阶段三红蜜柚汁胞的相对表达量;将CmCCR1瞬时转化至六月早1号柚汁胞,发现瞬时转化的汁胞中CmCCR1基因的表达量显著上升,间苯三酚染色程粉红色,说明汁胞中出现了木质素的积累。
    结论 CmCCR1基因可能参与调控三红蜜柚汁胞木质素等次级代谢产物的生物合成,其表达量的上升与柚汁胞粒化的发生有关。


    Objective Functions and expressions of cinnamoyl-CoA reductase genes (CmCCRs) associated with the lignin biosynthesis and juice vesicle granulation in Citrus maxima were investigated.
    Method Bioinformatics, gene cloning, subcellular localization, and fluorescence quantitative PCR were applied to select and clone CmCCRs from C. maxima Sanhongmiyou. Expressions of the genes in the juice sacs at different fruit development stages of Sanhongmiyou and Liuyuezaoyihao pomelos were examined. Lignin content in the sacs was determined using the acetyl bromide method.
    Results From the RNA-Seq data on Sanhongmiyou juice sacs, 5 CmCCRs were identified. Since the lignin content in the mature juice sacs was shown to correlate with the gene transcription, CmCCR1 was supposed to be involved in the lignin formation, and thus further analyzed. The ORF of CmCCR1 was 1,017 bp long. The stable hydrophilic protein had a molecular weight of 37.5 kDa and a pI of 7.06 containing an NAD(P)H/NAD(P)(+) binding (NADB) domain and three shared common motifs of CcCCR1 in sweet orange with similar distribution patterns. Phylogenetically, it closely related to CcCCR1 and belonged to the dicotyledonous plants. The gene was located on the endoplasmic reticulum same as predicted previously by software. The expression of CmCCR1 in the Sanhongmiyou juice sacs increased significantly at maturation, but that of Liuyuezaoyihao remained relatively low throughout the entire developmental stages at significantly lower levels. However, when the Liuyuezaoyihao pomelo juice sacs were transiently transformed with CmCCR1, a significantly elevated expression of the gene resulted. Moreover, the phloroglucinol-stained sacs turned pink in color indicating lignin accumulation in them.
    Conclusion  CmCCR1 was postulated to regulate the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites (e.g., lignin) and the granulation of juice vesicles in pomelos.


