• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Whole- genome sequencing of Bacillus mojavensis JK-18 and analysis of its antagonism related gene clusters

  • 摘要:
    目的 对核桃黑斑病病原拮抗菌莫海威芽孢杆菌JK-18 进行全基因组测序和基因功能注释,并从中初筛出多种活性代谢产物合成基因簇。
    方法 采用PacBio测序技术对从核桃根际土壤中筛选得到的莫海威芽孢杆菌JK-18进行全基因组测序,获得菌株基因组特征信息、基因功能注释及分类和次级代谢产物等关键信息。
    结果 JK-18的基因组为1条环状闭合DNA,大小为4 166 746 bp,由1个环状染色体组成,共有4 138 个蛋白质编码基因。基因组中共预测到4种类型的CRISPR。GO、KEGG、EGGNOG 、CAZY和CARD 数据库中分别注释到584422993257、183和7 个功能基因。应用在线软件AntiSMASH预测,该菌株基因组中包含Lichenysin、Macrobrevin和Aurantinin等聚酮类,surfactin、 bacillomycin 、Plipastatin、fengycin等脂肽类,dumulmycin及dactylocycline A大环内酯类等多种活性代谢产物合成基因簇。
    结论 综合莫海威芽孢杆菌JK-18全基因组测序结果,开展相关功能基因的挖掘与分析,表明该菌株是一株具有生防潜力的微生物,相关分析结果对多种抗菌物质的后期深入研究具有重要的理论意义。


    Objective Sequence and annotation of Bacillus mojavensis JK-18 genome isolated from the rhizosphere soil of walnut trees were carried out, and gene clusters related to the synthesis of antimicrobial secondary metabolites were identified.
    Method This study used PacBio technology to perform whole-genome sequencing of Bacillus mojavensis. Key information on the genome characteristics, gene function annotation, classification and secondary metabolites of the strain were obtained.
    Results The results showed the genome of JK-18 is a circular closed DNA with a size of 4166746 bp, containing a total of 4138 protein-coding genes, and 4 kinds of CRISPR, The genome has 5844, 2299, 3257, 183 and 7 functional genes annotated in GO, KEGG, EGGNOG, CAZY and CARD databases, respectively. The secondary metabolites genes of JK-18 were predicted by antiSMASH. The gene clusters related to the synthesis of antimicrobial secondary metabolites, including polyketide compound such as lichenysin, macrobrevin and aurantinin, peptidolipid such as surfactin, bacillomycin, plipastatin and fengycin, and macrolides such as dumulmycin and dactylocycline A were predicted.
    Conclusion The whole genome sequence of this strain reported here will be a valuable reference for studying the biocontrol mechanisms of this strain on walnut trees blight.


