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潘可可 王克磊 苏世闻 朱隆静 徐坚 陈发兴

潘可可,王克磊,苏世闻,等. 潮汐灌溉对番茄苗期生长及基质水分耗散的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(7):817−823 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.07.007
引用本文: 潘可可,王克磊,苏世闻,等. 潮汐灌溉对番茄苗期生长及基质水分耗散的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(7):817−823 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.07.007
PAN K - K, WANG K - L, SU S - W, et al. Effects of Ebb-and-flow Irrigation on Tomato Seedling Growth and Substrate Water-dissipation [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(7):817−823 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.07.007
Citation: PAN K - K, WANG K - L, SU S - W, et al. Effects of Ebb-and-flow Irrigation on Tomato Seedling Growth and Substrate Water-dissipation [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(7):817−823 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.07.007


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.07.007
基金项目: 国家现代农业产业技术体系专项资金项目(CARS-23);温州市重大科技创新攻关项目(ZN2022003)

    潘可可(1980 —),男,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事蔬菜工厂化育苗研究,E-mail:52758597@qq.com


    王克磊(1982 —),男,副教授,主要从事设施蔬菜生理生态研究,E-mail:wangklwz@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: S641.2

Effects of Ebb-and-flow Irrigation on Tomato Seedling Growth and Substrate Water-dissipation

  • 摘要:   目的  研究潮汐灌溉方式下番茄幼苗生长及根系抗氧化酶活性变化和基质水分耗散规律,为番茄潮汐灌溉育苗技术的推广应用提供科学依据。  方法  以番茄瓯秀201为试材,设置潮汐灌溉和顶部洒水灌溉2种方式,分析2种灌溉方式下番茄幼苗生长和根系生理指标的变化,拟合潮汐灌溉方式下基质水分耗散规律。  结果  潮汐灌溉方式下,穴盘质量与气温、空气相对湿度呈线性关系,相关系数分别为−0.846、0.920;穴盘质量减少量与气温、空气相对湿度呈线性关系,相关系数分别为0.966、−0.853。与顶部洒水灌溉相比,在番茄4叶1心时,潮汐灌溉下番茄根系鲜质量、干质量、根系体积、根系长度分别提高44.81%、45.91%、93.81%、9.41%;潮汐灌溉下番茄根系抗氧化酶活性显著高于顶部洒水灌溉处理,而丙二醛(MDA)含量却显著下降;潮汐灌溉下番茄幼苗的净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(Gs)均显著高于顶部洒水灌溉处理。  结论  潮汐灌溉下基质的水分吸收与耗散与气温、空气相对湿度显著相关,潮汐灌溉可显著促进番茄幼苗生长,使番茄根系保持较高生长活性,有利于番茄植株保持较高的光合能力。
  • 图  1  晴天和阴天潮汐灌溉下穴盘质量及减少量在8:00 —17:00的变化

    Figure  1.  Tomato seedling tray weight and water loss in sunny or cloudy day under ebb-and-flow irrigation from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    图  2  潮汐灌溉下穴盘质量与气温、空气相对湿度的相关性

    Figure  2.  Correlation between seedling tray weight and ambient temperature and RH under ebb-and-flow irrigation

    图  3  潮汐灌溉下穴盘质量减少量与气温、空气相对湿度的相关性

    Figure  3.  Correlation between seedling tray weight loss and ambient temperature and RH under ebb-and-flow irrigation

    表  1  潮汐灌溉对番茄幼苗生长的影响

    Table  1.   Effect of ebb-and-flow irrigation on growth of tomato seedlings

    Stem diameter/mm
    Root fresh weight/g
    Root dry weight/g
    Leaf fresh weight/g
    Leaf dry weight/g
    Ebb-and-flow irrigation(EFI)
    19.63±1.21 a3.137±0.03 a0.824±0.04 a0.057±0.00 a4.456±0.14 a0.266±0.01 a
    Top sprinkler irrigation(TSI)
    17.47±0.60 b2.867±0.04 b0.569±0.04 b0.039±0.00 b3.046±0.06 b0.175±0.01 b
    Different letters within a same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. The same as below.
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    表  2  潮汐灌溉对番茄幼苗根系形态的影响

    Table  2.   Effect of ebb-and-flow irrigation on tomato root morphology

    Total root
    Total surface
    Total root
    Number of
    Ebb-and-flow irrigation(EFI)
    1719.23±91.712 a392.79±10.565 a132.35±4.783 a0.279±0.0074 a1173±60.982 a0.2151±0.021 a
    Top sprinkler irrigation(TSI)
    1057.73±84.182 b339.75±23.073 a68.29±5.451 b0.255±0.0058 b783±79.915 b0.1908±0.013 b
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    表  3  潮汐灌溉对番茄幼苗根系保护酶活性的影响

    Table  3.   Effect of ebb-and-flow irrigation on protective enzyme activities in roots of tomato seedlings

    SOD activity/
    POD activity/
    CAT activity/
    GR activity/
    APX activity/
    MDA content/
    Ebb-and-flow irrigation(EFI)
    96.66±3.45 a705.67±27.96 a10.68±0.80 a22.21±1.28 a11.20±1.26 a3.63±0.23 b
    Top sprinkler irrigation(TSI)
    85.63±4.84 b603.23±28.96 a9.03±0.62 b15.16±1.88 b8.74±0.87 b3.87±0.28 a
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    表  4  潮汐灌溉对番茄幼苗光合性能和根系活力的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of ebb-and-flow irrigation on photosynthesis and protective enzyme activities of tomato seedlings

    Chlorophyll content/
    Root activity/(μg·g−1·h−1
    Ebb-and-flow irrigation潮汐灌溉
    26.70±1.09 b12.30±1.07 a0.774±0.09 a1.67±0.13 a78.93±3.50 a
    Top sprinkler irrigation(TSI)
    28.66±0.82 a8.81±0.81 a0.606±0.07 b1.34±0.09 b69.14±2.54 b
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    表  5  不同指标的相关性

    Table  5.   Correlation coefficient evaluation between morphological and physiological parameters

    1 1.000
    2 0.891 1.000
    3 0.797 0.813 1.000
    4 0.711 0.900 0.930* 1.000
    5 0.821 0.909* 0.978** 0.974** 1.000
    6 0.759 0.930* 0.935* 0.993** 0.981** 1.000
    7 0.945* 0.897 0.810 0.817 0.844 0.826 1.000
    8 0.545 0.304 0.827 0.688 0.710 0.640 0.812* 1.000
    9 0.964** 0.921* 0.890 0.864 0.918* 0.876 0.981** 0.803* 1.000
    10 0.823 0.861 0.846 0.814 0.900 0.834 0.591 0.363 0.688 1.000
    11 0.840 0.821 0.943* 0.831 0.916* 0.879 0.712 0.657 0.769 0.706 1.000
    12 0.837 0.930* 0.785 0.897 0.880 0.884 0.921** 0.654 0.943** 0.740 0.889** 1.000
    13 0.920* 0.993** 0.828 0.898 0.910* 0.923* 0.777 0.528 0.844* 0.494 0.815** 0.843** 1.000
    14 0.888 0.976** 0.809 0.908* 0.895 0.919* 0.945** 0.668 0.959** 0.729 0.803** 0.909** 0.850** 1.000
    15 0.935* 0.846 0.759 0.637 0.798 0.703 0.772 0.512 0.864* 0.682 0.773** 0.813** 0.846** 0.820** 1.000
    16 0.588* 0.926* 0.862 0.803 0.891 0.866 0.865* 0.630 0.921** 0.708 0.850** 0.842** 0.863** 0.903** 0.812** 1.000
    17 0.666* 0.987** 0.812 0.849 0.888 0.896 0.935** 0.695 0.932** 0.756 0.892** 0.904** 0.787** 0.897** 0.851** 0.877** 1.000
    1-17 represents the 17 indicators in the first row, respectively.
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