Effects of Biochar Addition on Physiology of Fokienia hodginsiiSeedlings under Drought and Enzyme Activities in Soil
目的 探究干旱胁迫下外源增施生物炭对福建柏苗木生理特性与土壤酶活性的影响。 方法 以一年生福建柏幼苗为试材,在土壤中分别添加20、50、80g·kg−1的玉米秸秆生物炭(T1、T2、T3),将不含生物炭的处理为对照(CK),分析不同添加量的生物炭对干旱胁迫下福建柏幼苗生长、渗透调节物质的积累及土壤酶活性的影响。 结果 结果表明:(1)生物炭的施加显著提升了福建柏的生长及生物量积累(P<0.05),T2处理下对福建柏株高、地径及单株生物量的积累促进效果最佳。(2)随着胁迫时间的增加,各组间的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸含量总体呈现先升后降的变化趋势,且各组间差异显著。可溶性糖、脯氨酸含量在胁迫42 d时达到最大值;可溶性蛋白含量在胁迫56 d 时达到最大值。总体表现为:T2>T1>T3>CK,且以T2处理下效果最佳。T2处理下的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸含量与同期的CK相比增加了50.7%、127%、54.4%。(3)生物炭的施加显著提升了干旱胁迫下的土壤酶活性(P<0.05),在胁迫70 d时各组脲酶活性达到最大值;过氧化氢酶、硝酸还原酶、蔗糖酶活性在胁迫42 d时达到最大值;蔗糖酶在胁迫56 d时达到最大值。各组间差异总体表现为T2>T1>T3>CK,且以T2处理最佳。 结论 干旱胁迫下施用50g·kg−1生物炭量的试验处理最有利于福建柏苗木生长、抗逆生理及土壤酶活性的提高,但当生物炭施用量过高时会对其产生抑制作用。 Abstract:Objective Effects of biochar application on the physiology of Fokienia hodginsii seedlings under drought stress and enzyme activities in the soil were investigated. Method Corn-stalk biochar was added in varied rates to the irrigation-controlled potting soil in cultivating one-year-old F. hodginsii seedlings. Growth and osmotic regulator contents of the seedlings as well as enzyme activities in soils containing the biochar at 20 g·kg−1 (T1), 50 g·kg−1 (T2), or 80 g·kg−1 (T3) along with a blank control (CK) were determined. Result (1) All biochar applications significantly promoted the seedling growth and biomass accumulation (P<0.05) with T2 showing the greatest increases on plant height, root diameter, and per plant biomass. (2) Under draught, the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, and proline in the seedlings of the treatment groups increased initially followed by a decline. In 42 d, soluble sugar and proline peaked, so did soluble protein in 56 d. The overall effect by the treatments ranked T2>T1>T3>CK. The seedlings grown on T2 had 50.7% more soluble sugar, 127% more soluble protein, and 54.4% more proline than those on CK. (3) The treatments also significantly elevated the enzyme activities in soil (P<0.05). Specifically, urease activity reached the maximum in 70d, catalase, nitrate reductase, and sucrase activities in 42d, and sucrase content in 56 d. Of all treatments, the effects ranked T2>T1>T3>CK. Again, T2 was the top performer. Conclusion Short of adequate water supply, biochar addition at a rate of 50 g·kg−1 significantly boosted the enzyme activity in the soil and benefitted the growth and stress resistance of the seedlings grown in the field. On the other hand, an addition beyond that level could be detrimental. -
Key words:
- Biochar /
- drought stress /
- Fokienia hodginsii /
- soil enzyme activity /
- osmoregulation
图 3 干旱胁迫下福建柏幼苗各指标与土壤酶活性的冗余分析
Figure 3. Redundancy analysis on physiochemical indicators of F. hodginsii seedlings and soil enzyme activity under drought stress
S-UE: urease; S-SC: sucrase; CAT: catalase: DHA: dehydrogenase; NR: nitrate reductase; SS: soluble sugar; PRO: proline; SP: soluble protein; H: plant height; D: diameter; TB: biomass.
表 1 供试前苗木生长状况
Table 1. Growth of seedlings prior to trial
处理/dispose 指标/index CK T1 T2 T3 株高/cm
Plant height/cm19.50±1.30 19.70±2.10 19.80±2.10 19.80±1.90 地径/mm
Ground diameter/mm2.12±0.65 2.15±0.75 2.14±0.79 2.15±0.82 表 2 供试生物炭的基本理化性质
Table 2. Basic physicochemical properties of biochar
(H2O)C/% N/% 全磷
TP/%8.62 72.47 0.61 2.31 0.69 表 3 生物炭添加对干旱胁迫下福建柏幼苗生长及生物量积累的影响
Table 3. Effects of biochar addition on growth and biomass accumulation of F. hodginsii seedlings
Plant height/cm地径/mm
Ground diameter/mm根生物量/g
Root biomass/g茎生物量/g
Stem biomass/g叶生物量/g
Leaf biomass/g单株生物量/g
Biomass per plant/gCK 20.81±1.90c 2.43±0.46c 1.66±0.20 d 2.26±0.14c 1.31±0.13b 5.23±0.26c T1 26.90±3.20a 3.08±0.61ab 2.41±0.12b 2.55±0.12b 1.54±0.15a 6.53±0.28a T2 27.10±1.50a 3.15±0.68a 2.52±0.18a 2.64±0.15a 1.6±0.12a 6.76±0.31a T3 23.10±1.80b 2.81±0.43b 1.71±0.16c 2.43±0.11b 1.34±0.12b 5.47±0.24b 注:不同小写字母表示不同处理间存在显著性差异(P< 0.05);
Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05. -
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