Identification and Genetic Evolution of Viruses Infecting Chili Peppers in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia
目的 系统检测内蒙古赤峰市辣椒主产区病毒发生种类,并分析病毒的遗传分化情况,以期为该地区辣椒病毒病精准防控提供理论依据。 方法 从内蒙古赤峰地区4个辣椒主产区采集疑似病毒侵染的辣椒样本47份,采用sRNA高通量测序技术结合生物信息学分析,以及常规RT-PCR检测,明确侵染辣椒的病毒种类及复合侵染情况;采用常规Sanger测序测定常规RT-PCR扩增片段序列,进行遗传进化分析。 结果 内蒙古赤峰地区4个辣椒主产区辣椒混合病样的sRNA高通量测序,共检测到6种病毒,常规RT-PCR共验证到其中4种病毒;4个地区病毒种类存在明显差异,松山区城子乡优势种类为BBWV2和PVY,喀喇沁旗锦山镇为PVY和PMMoV;宁城县和喀喇沁旗西桥镇为BBWV2;复合侵染类型以2种病毒复合侵染为主,复合侵染率最高达61.54%。对测定的序列系统发育分析表明,赤峰地区4个辣椒产区的PMMoV和BBWV2存在遗传分化,PVY可能出现了新的遗传型。 结论 内蒙古赤峰地区不同辣椒主产区发生的病毒种类、检出率和病毒复合侵染种类均存在明显差异。 Abstract:Objective Viruses that infected chili pepper crops in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia were identified, and their genetic relationship analyzed. Methods The 47 infected chili pepper plants at 4 major producing areas in Chifeng City were diagnosed, and viruses identified by sRNA high-throughput sequencing with bioinformatic analysis and RT-PCR. Fragments of RT-PCR were sequenced using the Sanger method to conduct a phylogenetic analysis with the MEGA software. Results Six viruses were identified by sRNA high-throughput sequencing. Of which, 4 were re-verified by RT-PCR. The dominant viruses infecting the 4 regions differed significantly. They were BBWV2 and PVY in Chengzi County of Songshang District, PVY and PMMoV in Jinshan County of Kalaqin District, and BBWV2 in Ningchen County and Xijiao County of kalaqin District. When the infection was caused by multiple viruses, it was mostly by two major pathogens and had the highest rate of occurrence at 61.54%. The phylogenetic analysis on the sequenced nucleotides of the viruses showed distinctive genetic differences between PMMoV and BBWV2 and, possibly, PVY of a novel genetic type. Conclusion There are significant differences in the types of viruses, detection rates, and types of virus co-infections that occur in different chili production areas of Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia . -
表 1 sRNA测序数据质量
Table 1. Quality of data obtained by sRNA
Sample No原始
Bases /MGC含量
GC content/
%Q30/% 片段长度
Contig N50CZ 12.14 607 52.34 97.45 284 157 KQ 13.34 667 48.28 97.46 394 182 NC 13.43 671 51.06 97.37 276 168 XQ 12.80 640 51.64 97.60 258 146 Q30:Phred 数值大于 30 的碱基占总体碱基的百分比。
Q30: Ratio of bases of Phred number over 30 in total bases.表 2 辣椒病毒检出率
Table 2. Positive viral detection rate on chili pepper plants
Sampling site辣椒样本病毒检出率
Rates of positive detection of viruses in pepper plants/%SPVG PMMoV BBWV2 PVY INCV SCMV CZ 0 61.54 92.31 0 23.08 0 KQ 0 58.33 41.67 83.33 0 0 NC 0 25 58.33 0 0 0 XQ 0 20 30 0 0 0 表 3 辣椒病毒复合侵染率
Table 3. Occurrence rate of multiple viruses infection on chili pepper plants
Sampling site病毒复合侵染种类
Viruses of fused infection病毒检出率
Rates of positive
detection of viruses/%CZ BBWV2+PMMoV 61.54 BBWV2+INCV 23.08 BBWV2+INCV+PMMoV 23.08 KQ PMMoV+BBWV2 41.67 PMMoV+PVY 58.33 BBWV2+PVY 41.67 PMMoV+BBWV2+PVY 25 NC PMMoV+BBWV2 25 XQ PMMoV+BBWV2 15.38 -
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