Fertility of Tea Plantation Soil in Anxi
目的 探究福建省安溪县茶园土壤养分及其分布情况。 方法 在安溪县22个主要产茶乡镇随机采集茶园土壤样品243个,通过测量土壤的pH值、有机质含量、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾,并利用Fuzzy综合评估法计算出茶园土壤肥力综合指数(IFI),以此来评估土壤肥力质量等级。 结果 ①安溪县各乡镇茶园土壤pH值为3.79~4.97,均值为4.36,变异系数为11.51%,乡镇间茶园土壤pH差异显著(P<0.05)。②只有一个乡镇茶园土壤有机质含量不符合Ⅰ级土壤指标(>20.00 g·kg−1)。③茶园碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量分别为109.70~184.70 mg·kg−1、5.34~257.21 mg·kg−1、78.18~272.20 mg·kg−1,土壤碱解氮含量均为Ⅰ级,有20个乡镇茶园土壤有效磷和速效钾均为Ⅰ级、其余各有2个为Ⅱ级。④全氮磷钾含量分别为0.38~2.05 g·kg−1、0.14~1.76 g·kg−1、4.83~24.06 g·kg−1,其中有4个乡镇茶园土壤全氮含量不符合Ⅰ级标准,为Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级各2个;有5个乡镇茶园土壤全钾含量不符合Ⅰ级标准,为Ⅱ级4个、Ⅲ级1个;而全磷只有1个乡镇符合Ⅰ级标准,Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级分别占68.18%、27.27%,乡镇间差异较大;⑤茶园IFI肥力等级中Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级分别占81.82%、4.55%、9.09%、4.55%。 结论 安溪县茶园土壤酸化严重,有机质和速效养分总体较丰富,全量养分较缺乏,尤其是全磷含量普遍不足;总体肥力等级较好,但是养分结构不均衡、空间分布不均匀。因此,建议:(1)通过增施有机肥等手段改良茶园土壤酸化;(2)适当增施含氮磷钾全量养分的矿物质,以增加全量养分储备;(3)推广测土配方技术,促进精准施肥和减肥增效。 Abstract:Objective Degree and distribution of tea plantations soil fertility in Anxi County, Fujian were determined and statistically analyzed. Method Soil specimens were collected from plantations in 22 major tea-producing towns in Anxi. pH, organic matter, total NPK, alkaline N, available P, and available K of the soils were measured. Fertility IFI for each sampling site was calculated by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Result From the randomly sampled 243 specimens, the following results were obtained. (1) pH of the plantation soils ranged 3.79-4.97 averaging 4.36 with a coefficient of variation of 11.51%. There were significant differentiations among the towns (P<0.05). (2) On the content of organic matter, only one town did not meet the Grade I standard of being higher than 20.00g·kg-1. (3) Alkaline N, available P, and available K in the soils ranged 109.70-184.70 mg·kg-1, 5.34-257.21 mg·kg-1, and 78.18-272.20 mg·kg-1, respectively. Hence, the alkaline N in all specimens reached the Grade I level, but the available P and K left two localities fall into Grade II. (4) The total N, P, and K at all sites were 0.38-2.05 g·kg-1, 0.14-1.76g·kg-1, and 4.83-24.06 g·kg-1, respectively. On account of total N, two towns were rated Grade II and two Grade III; on total K, 4 were Grade II and one Grade III; and on P, only one qualified for Grade I and 68.18% of the towns rated Grade II and 27.27% Grade III. Significant differences were evident among the towns and villages. And (5) on account of IFI, 81.82% of the sites belonged to Grade I, 4.55% Grade II, 9.09% Grade III, and 4.55% Grade IV. Conclusion Soil acidification was severe at the tea plantations in the county. The soil was generally rich in organic matter and available nutrients, but deficient in total nutrients, especially P. The IFI at the plantations was generally of acceptable grades, however, the structure and spatial distribution of soil fertility were not well balanced. To overcome such shortcomings, it was recommended the following measures be implemented for the region: (1) using green manure to enrich organic matter content mitigating soil acidification, (2) increasing NPK application to enhance total nutrient reserve, and (3) formulating precise and efficient fertilization with routine soil testing to foster technical advancements. -
Key words:
- Anxi County /
- tea plantation /
- soil fertility /
- evaluation
表 1 茶园土壤养分分级标准
Table 1. Standards for classifying nutrient contents in tea plantation soil
Grade ⅠⅡ级
Grade ⅡⅢ级
Grade Ⅲ优质茶园标准
High quality tea plantation standardpH 4.5~5.5 4.0~4.5或5.5~6.5 >6.5或<4.0 4.5~5.5 有机质 Organic matter/(g·kg−1) >20.00 15.00~20.00 <15.00 ≥20.00 全氮 Total nitrogen/(g·kg−1) >1.00 0.80~1.00 <0.80 ≥1.50 全磷 Total phosphorus/(g·kg−1) >1.00 0.40~1.00 <0.40 ≥1.00 全钾 Total potassium/(g·kg−1) >10.00 5.00~10.00 <5.00 ≥10.00 碱解氮 Alkaline nitrogen/(mg·kg−1) >100.00 80.00~100.00 <80.00 ≥100.00 有效磷 Available phosphorus/(mg·kg−1) >20.00 5.00~20.00 <5.00 ≥20.00 速效钾 Available potassium/(mg·kg−1) >100.00 60.00~100.00 <60.00 ≥100.00 表 2 土壤肥力综合指数分级标准
Table 2. Standards of comprehensive fertility index on tea plantation soil
土壤肥力综合指标 IFI IFI≥0.7 0.6≤IFI<0.7 0.5≤IFI<0.6 IFI<0.5 肥力等级 Soil fertility grade Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ 肥力水平 Fertility level 高 High 较高 Higher 中等 Medium 低 Low 表 3 各项养分指标隶属度函数曲线转折点取值表
Table 3. Threshold nutrient index on membership function curves
Turning point
valuepH 有机质
Organic matter/
Total nitrogen/
Total phosphorus/
Total potassium/
Alkaline nitrogen/
Available phosphorus/
Available potassium/
(mg·kg−1)x1 4.0 20 0.75 0.30 5.00 30.00 3.00 30.00 x2 4.5 60 2.00 1.00 25.00 150.00 40.00 200.00 x3 5.5 — — — — — — — x4 7.0 — — — — — — — —表示无该取值
— Indicates that the value does not exist表 4 各项土壤肥力指标权重系数取值表
Table 4. Weighted factors of soil fertility index
IndicatorspH 有机质
Organic Matter/
Total nitrogen/
Total phosphorus/
Total potassium/
Alkaline nitrogen/
Available phosphorus/
Available potassium/
Weighting factor/%2.75 11.34 10.19 14.12 12.44 5.72 26.41 17.04 表 5 安溪县茶园土壤养分状况
Table 5. Soil fertility of tea plantations in Anxi County
TownpH 有机质
Organic matter/
Total nitrogen/
Total phosphorus/
Total potassium/
Alkaline nitrogen/
Available phosphorus/
Available potassium/
(mg·kg−1)蓬莱 Penglai 4.39±0.06gⅡ 62.6±3.44dⅠ 1.05±0.07fⅠ 0.83±0.00dⅡ 13.4±0hⅠ 123.27±18.48lⅠ 153.04±16.99bⅠ 78.18±5.83jⅡ 祥华 Xianghua 4.34±0.35gⅡ 62.68±21.46dⅠ 1.35±0.42cⅠ 0.43±0.32jⅡ 15.21±9.6fⅠ 145.63±32.47hⅠ 31.56±34.76hⅠ 102.54±54.77hⅠ 福田 Futian 4.26±0.11iⅡ 61.47±28.23eⅠ 1.12±0.17fⅠ 0.89±0.42cⅡ 11.08±3.96iⅠ 126.72±16.29kⅠ 20.22±24.87jⅠ 90.64±57.92iⅡ 感德 Gande 4.54±0.47eⅠ 52.56±25.38gⅠ 1.07±0.45fⅠ 0.55±0.26hⅡ 15.27±6.92fⅠ 123.9±22.99lⅠ 83.25±72.5eⅠ 101.68±58.07iⅠ 虎邱 Huqiu 4.88±0.6bⅠ 55.2±20.7gⅠ 1.14±0.25fⅠ 0.81±0.28eⅡ 15.43±5.41fⅠ 142.49±29.12iⅠ 111.42±64.06cⅠ 238.66±86.28bⅠ 剑斗 Jiandou 4.07±0.19jⅡ 38.39±19.58mⅠ 1.11±0.36fⅠ 0.92±0.20cⅡ 13.84±2.26gⅠ 127.53±20.49kⅠ 84.46±66.7eⅠ 134.88±41.07gⅠ 桃舟 Taozhou 4.53±0.35eⅠ 58.04±14.12gⅠ 1.22±0.17eⅠ 0.67±0.30fⅡ 14.54±8.69fⅠ 136.12±24.22jⅠ 51.88±58.28hⅠ 162.69±52.44fⅠ 金谷 Jingu 4.59±0.13dⅠ 7.35±1.66oⅢ 0.38±0.05iⅢ 0.14±0.02oⅢ 12.35±1.21hⅠ 109.7±3.93mⅠ 5.34±3.83kⅡ 113.45±31.83hⅠ 湖上 Hushang 4.44±0.33fⅡ 42.62±18.8jⅠ 1.11±0.39fⅠ 0.87±0.22cⅡ 8.15±4.33kⅡ 184.7±34.66aⅠ 17.56±23.82jⅡ 114.78±72.6hⅠ 官桥 Guanqiao 3.99±0.26kⅢ 59.85±31.8fⅠ 1.17±0.35eⅠ 0.31±0.17lⅢ 4.83±0.62mⅢ 160.36±29.29eⅠ 63.65±70.91fⅠ 106.68±54.34hⅠ 蓝田 Lantian 3.92±0.2lⅢ 55.46±16.25gⅠ 1.32±0.46cⅠ 1.764±0.00aⅠ 18.1±0eⅠ 137.54±25.75jⅠ 257.21±36.28aⅠ 179.33±28.11eⅠ 大坪 Daping 4.01±0.44kⅡ 72.35±29.57aⅠ 1.58±0.3bⅠ 0.38±11.33kⅢ 24.06±3.71aⅠ 137.93±22.48jⅠ 46.37±49.44hⅠ 104.98±39.91hⅠ 长卿 Changqing 3.79±0.17mⅢ 65.06±18.86bⅠ 1.19±0.27eⅠ 0.89±0.25cⅡ 10.08±7.1jⅠ 170.3±70.71dⅠ 73.66±38.6fⅠ 189.85±106.37dⅠ 龙门 Longmen 4.73±0.44cⅠ 40.42±27.23kⅠ 1.3±0.59dⅠ 0.52±0.14hⅡ 20.45±7.15cⅠ 133.94±25.19jⅠ 87.71±108.6dⅠ 160.16±133.66fⅠ 参内 Cannei 4.32±0.27hⅡ 39.64±21.97lⅠ 0.88±0.25gⅡ 0.27±0.00mⅢ 5.8±0lⅡ 141.09±21.4iⅠ 24.03±25.18jⅠ 119.83±17.06hⅠ 芦田 Lutian 4.35±0.76gⅡ 44.31±23.47hⅠ 1.09±0.51fⅠ 0.89±0.15cⅡ 20.28±13.06cⅠ 157.5±46.55fⅠ 59.75±73.52gⅠ 239.98±171.94bⅠ 白濑 Bailai 4.27±0.3iⅡ 28.06±16.41nⅠ 0.98±0.33fⅠ 0.46±0.16iⅡ 19.6±8.2dⅠ 142.57±32.74iⅠ 28.59±26.73iⅠ 251.19±216.24bⅠ 龙涓 Longjuan 4.26±0.41iⅡ 54.69±22.5gⅠ 1.18±0.6eⅠ 0.64±0.19gⅡ 14.71±5.13fⅠ 149.28±26.95gⅠ 58.36±58.45gⅠ 167.1±61.63fⅠ 城厢 Chengxiang 4.97±0.4aⅠ 42.14±18.1jⅠ 1.26±0.62dⅠ 0.19±0.00nⅢ 9.7±0jⅡ 164.05±30.2eⅠ 31.38±26.62hⅠ 173.38±100.28eⅠ 湖头 Hutou 4.35±0.47gⅡ 43.56±19.61iⅠ 1.2±0.27eⅠ 0.49±0.11iⅡ 9.84±1.18jⅡ 175.87±22.8bⅠ 58.81±50.09gⅠ 272.2±201.37aⅠ 尚卿 Shangqing 4.62±0.17dⅠ 64.67±18.65cⅠ 2.05±0.96aⅠ 1.42±0.00bⅡ 22.8±0bⅠ 174.02±20.31cⅠ 36.71±36.68hⅠ 229.8±114.37cⅠ 西坪 Xiping 4.27±0.36iⅡ 40.85±20.06kⅠ 0.81±0.4hⅢ 0.23±0.06nⅢ 11.35±1.3iⅠ 147.24±26.63gⅠ 37.12±62.15hⅠ 177.99±150.92eⅠ 平均值 Average 4.36 50.96 1.14 0.62 14.53 145.82 60.66 165.50 变异系数(%)
Coefficient of variation11.51 47.54 71.4 110.68 23.96 52.14 42.72 59.16 表中数据显示为均值±标准差,同列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05),Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ为茶园土壤养分分级标准。
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation; those with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences at P<0.05. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ are grades on soil nutrients of tea plantations.表 6 安溪县茶园土壤肥力指数情况
Table 6. IFI of tea plantations in Anxi County
Distribution frequency /%Ⅰ级
Grade ⅠⅡ级
Grade ⅡⅢ级
Grade ⅢⅣ级
Grade Ⅳ蓬莱
Penglai0.743 Ⅰ级 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 祥华
Xianghua0.754 Ⅰ级 44.1 5.9 14.7 35.3 福田
Futian0.615 Ⅱ级 25.0 5.0 15.0 55.0 感德
Gande0.765 Ⅰ级 54.2 8.3 8.3 29.2 虎邱
Huqiu0.875 Ⅰ级 85.7 9.5 4.8 0.0 剑斗
Jiandou0.733 Ⅰ级 58.3 16.7 8.3 16.7 桃舟
Taozhou0.847 Ⅰ级 75.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 金谷
Jingu0.419 Ⅳ级 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 湖上
Hushang0.578 Ⅲ级 16.7 16.7 16.7 50.0 官桥
Guanqiao0.724 Ⅰ级 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 蓝田
Lantian0.861 Ⅰ级 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 大坪
Daping0.860 Ⅰ级 61.1 27.8 0.0 11.1 长卿
Changqing0.829 Ⅰ级 79.2 12.5 8.3 0.0 龙门
Longmen0.838 Ⅰ级 50.0 16.7 0.0 33.3 参内
Cannei0.574 Ⅲ级 33.3 0.0 0.0 66.7 芦田
Lutian0.864 Ⅰ级 55.0 5.0 5.0 35.0 白濑
Bailai0.729 Ⅰ级 28.6 42.9 28.6 0.0 龙涓
Longjuan0.835 Ⅰ级 66.7 18.8 10.4 4.2 城厢
Chengxiang0.744 Ⅰ级 33.3 50.0 16.7 0.0 湖头
Hutou0.814 Ⅰ级 60.0 0.0 40.0 0.0 尚卿
Shangqing0.983 Ⅰ级 54.5 27.3 18.2 0.0 西坪
Xiping0.740 Ⅰ级 24.1 15.5 15.5 44.8 -
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