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许奇志 戴曲顺 邓朝军 马翠兰 陈秀萍 蒋际谋

许奇志,戴曲顺,邓朝军,等. 高接枇杷两种树形的枝梢分布特点与质量差异 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(10):1146−1154 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.10.003
引用本文: 许奇志,戴曲顺,邓朝军,等. 高接枇杷两种树形的枝梢分布特点与质量差异 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(10):1146−1154 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.10.003
XU Q Z, DAI Q S, DENG C J, et al. Spatial Distribution and Quality of Branches on Two Types of High-grafted Loquat Trees [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(10):1146−1154 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.10.003
Citation: XU Q Z, DAI Q S, DENG C J, et al. Spatial Distribution and Quality of Branches on Two Types of High-grafted Loquat Trees [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(10):1146−1154 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.10.003


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.10.003
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2020R1028006);中央引导地方科技发展专项(2021L3022);国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD1000905);福建省农业科学院科技创新团队建设项目(CXTD2021004-1)

    许奇志(1969 —),男,农艺师,主要从事龙眼枇杷栽培、育种与种质资源研究,E-mail:xqzhi1839@163.com;并列第一作者

    戴曲顺(1991 —),男,助教,主要从事果树栽培生理研究,E-mail:283336043@qq.com


    蒋际谋(1974 —),男,研究员,主要从事枇杷龙眼品种选育、种质资源和配套技术研究,E-mial:jjm2516@126.com

  • 中图分类号: S667.3

Spatial Distribution and Quality of Branches on Two Types of High-grafted Loquat Trees

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨高接枇杷两种树形的枝梢空间分布特点及质量差异,为高接换种丰产树形的培养提供依据。  方法  以高接换种后5年生多主枝自然圆头形和多主枝矮化开心形枇杷品种贵妃为试材,采用改进网格法进行分格定位,根据树高由下至上分为F1(树高0.0~100.0 cm)、F2(树高100.1~200.0 cm)、F3(树高200.1~300.0 cm)、F4(树高>300.0 cm)层,根据中心干距离远近设P1(内部,距离中心干0.0~100.0 cm)、P2(中部,距离中心干100.1~200.0 cm)、P3(外围,距离中心干>200. 0 cm)区。测量方格内代表性枝梢的长度、粗度、叶片数和枝角等,统计枝梢数、花穗数、枝梢抽穗率等。  结果  多主枝自然圆头形的树高、叶幕层厚、冠幅、枝梢数、花穗数、枝梢抽穗率、枝角、节间长度均大于多主枝矮化开心形;在水平方向上,两种树形的枝梢数、花穗数主要分布在P2区,其次P1区;在垂直方向上,多主枝自然圆头形枝梢主要分布在F2、F3层,多主枝矮化开心形主要在F2层。多主枝自然圆头形的枝梢抽穗率、枝梢长度、枝梢粗度均为F4>F3>F2层;F2层枝梢数、花穗数、枝梢粗度、枝角为P3>P1,F3层枝梢抽穗率、枝角、节间长度为P3> P1区。多主枝矮化开心形的枝梢数和花穗数为F2>F3层,枝梢长度、粗度为F3>F2层;F2和F3层叶片数、节间长度为P1>P3区,枝角为P3>P1区。  结论  两种树形的枝梢主要分布在次高层和次外层,多主枝矮化开心形的枝梢和花穗在冠层内分布更均匀,树冠内膛无枝梢或枝梢量少的低效或无效空间占比更少,为更高效树形。
  • 图  1  两种树形冠层结构


    Figure  1.  Two types of tree canopy shape

    A: Naturally round head tree with multiple main branches;B: Dwarf, open heart-shaped tree with multiple main branches;C: Zoning diagram.

    图  2  两种树形冠层内枝梢和花穗的水平分布


    Figure  2.  Horizontal distribution of branches (left) and panicles (right) on canopies of two types of loquat tree

    A、B: Naturally round head tree with multiple main branches;C、D: dwarf, open heart-shaped tree with multiple main branches;The X-axis and Y-axis value is the distance from the trunk.

    图  3  两种树形冠层内枝梢和花穗的垂直分布


    Figure  3.  Vertical distribution of branches (left) and panicles (right) on canopies of two types of loquat tree

    A: Naturally round head tree with multiple main branches;B: dwarf, open heart-shaped tree with multiple main branches.

    图  4  两种树形冠层内不同部位枝梢(左图)和花穗(右图)分布情况


    Figure  4.  Distribution of branches (left) and panicles (right) in parts of canopies of two types of loquat tree

    A、B: Naturally round head tree with multiple main branches;C、D: Dwarf, open heart-shaped tree with multiple main branches;The X-axis and Y-axis value is the distance from the trunk.

    表  1  贵妃枇杷两种树形的树体生长量比较

    Table  1.   Growth of two types of loquat tree

    Naturally round head tree
    with multiple main branches
    Dwarf, open heart-shaped
    tree with multiple main branches
    树高 Tree height/cm 355.67±25.11aA 253.07±2.65bB
    冠幅 Crown diameter Canopy/cm 500.67±47.16×447.67±61.17aA 427.67±33.56×356.33±31.82bB
    树况 Tree condition 叶幕层厚 Thickness of canopy layers/cm 303.21±19.97aA 187.39±12.50bB
    枝梢数 Number of branches 191.26±26.51aA 139.38±24.54bB
    花穗数 Number of flower spikes 146.27±8.33aA 97.06±11.71bB
    枝梢抽穗率 Flowering branch rate/% 76.65±14.57aA 69.60±9.54bA
    长度 Length/cm 38.89±3.93bA 45.24±3.29aA
    粗度 Diameter/mm 10.95±0.82bB 12.04±0.94aA
    枝梢 Branch tip 叶片数 leave number 23.44±3.06bB 29.29±2.32aA
    枝角 Branch/° 40.46±6.03aA 30.58±3.68bB
    节间长度 Internode length/cm 1.79±0.17aA 1.58±0.14bA
    粗长比 Shoot length/diameter ratio 0.28±0.01aA 0.26±0.01bA
    In the same column, majuscule indicate a significant level difference of 0.01 and lowercase letters indicate a significant level difference of 0.05. The same below.
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    表  2  两种树形枝梢性状的水平分布特点

    Table  2.   Horizontal distribution of branch traits on two types of loquat tree

    Tree shape
    Horizontal partitioning
    Shoot length/cm
    Shoot thickness/ mm
    Number of blades/leaf
    Internode length/cm
    Naturally round head tree
    with multiple main branches
    Dwarf, open heart-shaped
    tree with multiple main branches
    P147.78± 1.30a12.38±0.63a30.50±1.29a1.58±0.03a31.35±2.95a
    Multi-main branch dwarfing open-center P3 area without branch tip.
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    表  3  两种树形枝梢质量的垂直分布特点

    Table  3.   Vertical distribution of branch traits on two types of loquat tree

    Tree shape
    Vertical hierarchy
    Shoot length/cm
    Shoot thickness/mm
    Number of blades/leaf
    Internode length/cm
    Naturally round head tree
    with multiple main branches
    Dwarf, open heart-shaped tree
    with multiple main branches
    Multi-main branch dwarfed open-center F4 layer without branch tip.
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