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王秋艳 王利芬 肖湘东 陈曦 冯锋

王秋艳,王利芬,肖湘东,等. 苏州市夏季园林植物光合特性及固碳释氧、降温增湿效益研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(11):1302−1311 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.006
引用本文: 王秋艳,王利芬,肖湘东,等. 苏州市夏季园林植物光合特性及固碳释氧、降温增湿效益研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2023,38(11):1302−1311 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.006
WANG Q Y, WANG L F, XIAO X D, et al. Summertime Photosynthesis, Carbon-fixation, Oxygen-release, Atmosphere-cooling, and Humidifying Effect of Landscape Plants in Suzho [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(11):1302−1311 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.006
Citation: WANG Q Y, WANG L F, XIAO X D, et al. Summertime Photosynthesis, Carbon-fixation, Oxygen-release, Atmosphere-cooling, and Humidifying Effect of Landscape Plants in Suzho [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,38(11):1302−1311 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.006


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2023.11.006
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52178046);苏州大学-苏州园科协同创新中心项目基金(SY2022006)

    王秋艳(1998 —),女,硕士研究生,主要从事园林植物与应用研究,E-mail:992498895@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: S731.2

Summertime Photosynthesis, Carbon-fixation, Oxygen-release, Atmosphere-cooling, and Humidifying Effect of Landscape Plants in Suzho

  • 摘要:   目的  探究苏州市常见园林树种固碳释氧、降温增湿的能力。  方法  以苏州市白鹭园13种园林植物为研究对象,通过测定其光合生理指标,分析植物固碳释氧、降温增湿的综合效率及其影响因素。  结果  (1)13种植物净光合速率日变化主要呈单峰型和双峰型2种,蒸腾速率日变化主要呈单峰型。(2)单位叶面积日固碳量和释氧量最高的是榔榆(Ulmus parvifolia),分别为12.08、8.78 g·m−2·d−1,最低的是红枫(Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'),分别为3.50、2.54 g·m−2·d−1。单位叶面积日降温量和增湿量最高的是木槿(Hibiscus syriacus),分别为0.38 ℃和2376.15 g·m−2·d−1,红枫最低,分别为0.14 ℃和848.01 g·m−2·d−1。(3)园林植物固碳增湿量与净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、大气湿度(RH)、光合有效辐射(PAR)呈显著正相关,与叶面水气压亏缺(Vpdl)呈显著负相关。  结论  基于提高城市绿地碳汇功能和缓解热岛效应,在苏州地区乔木中可优选榔榆、朴树(Celtis sinensis)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、垂柳(Salix babylonica)、枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)、重阳木(Bischofia polycarpa)等树种。桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、珊瑚树(Viburnum odoratissimum)和木槿单位土地面积日固碳释氧、降温增湿效益差距不大。
  • 图  1  环境因子日变化

    Figure  1.  Daily variation on environmental factors

    图  2  13种园林植物净光合速率日变化

    Figure  2.  Diurnal variation on net photosynthetic rate of 13 landscape plants

    图  3  13种园林植物蒸腾速率日变化

    Figure  3.  Diurnal variation on transpiration rate of 13 landscape plants

    图  4  单位叶面积日固碳、释氧、降温增湿能力聚类分析

    Figure  4.  Cluster analysis on per leaf area daily carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cooling, and humidifying effect of 13 landscape plants

    图  5  单位土地面积日固碳、释氧、降温增湿能力聚类分析

    Figure  5.  Cluster analysis on per land area daily carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cooling, and humidifying effect of 13 landscape plants

    表  1  13种园林植物基本信息

    Table  1.   Basic information on 13 species of landscape plants in Suzhou

    Tree species
    Mean DBH/cm
    Average crown width/m
    Average height/m
    Crown height/m
    Cinnamomum camphora
    Evergreen trees
    33.37±0.87 a 9.25±0.15 a 11.00±0.46 bc 6.67±0.25 b
    Magnolia grandiflora
    Evergreen trees
    25.43±0.95 de 6.07±0.06 ef 8.10±0.53 f 4.50±0.10 e
    Liquidambar formosana
    Deciduous trees
    27.27±1.11 c 8.20±0.10 b 13.63±0.21 a 9.17±0.25 a
    Ulmus parvifolia
    Deciduous trees
    26.80±0.70 cd 5.82±0.06 g 8.43±0.31 ef 5.67±0.21 d
    Zelkova serrata
    Deciduous trees
    27.30±0.95 c 7.60±0.13 c 9.37±0.50 d 6.23±0.23 c
    Celtis sinensis
    Deciduous trees
    24.70±1.08 e 6.27±0.16 e 9.07±0.25 de 4.73±0.21 e
    Salix babylonica
    Deciduous trees
    26.50±0.70 cd 5.93±0.10 fg 10.33±0.50 c 6.20±0.26 c
    Bischofia polycarpa
    Deciduous trees
    29.5±0.82 b 6.73±0.03 d 11.10±0.30 b 6.37±0.12 bc
    Yulania denudata
    Deciduous trees
    15.10±0.20 f 4.32±0.23 i 5.57±0.40 g 3.87±0.32 f
    Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
    Deciduous trees
    12.23±0.23 h 2.15±0.09 k 3.00±0.26 i 1.53±0.15 i
    Osmanthus fragrans
    Evergreen shrubs
    4.68±0.03 h 4.97±0.23 gh 3.73±0.15 fg
    Evergreen shrubs
    3.80±0.05 j 4.30±0.20 h 3.37±0.15 gh
    Hibiscus syriacus
    Deciduous shrubs
    3.87±0.15 j 4.53±0.15 h 3.13±0.06 h
    同列数据后不同小写字母表示不同树种间在 0.05 水平差异显著。
    Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant differences at level of 0.05.
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    表  2  13种园林植物单位叶面积日固碳释氧、降温增湿量

    Table  2.   Per leaf area daily carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cooling, and humidifying effect of 13 landscape plants

    Tree species
    $ {P} $/(mmol·m−2·d−1
    $ {{W}}_{{{{\rm{co}}}}_{{2}}{}} $/(g·m−2·d−1
    $ {{W}}_{{{{\rm{o}}}}_{{2}}{}} $/(g·m-2·d-1
    $ {E} $ /(mmol·m−2·d−1
    $ {{W}}_{{{{\rm{H}}}}_{{2}}{{\rm{O}}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1
    $ P_{\Delta T} $ /℃
    香樟 C. camphora 332.37±9.90 a 11.70±0.35 a 8.51±0.25 a 86.38±5.17 de 1554.86±93.02 de 0.25±0.01 de
    广玉兰 M. grandiflora 200.61±10.08 d 7.06±0.35 d 5.14±0.26 d 54.57±10.66 fg 982.27±191.81 fg 0.16±0.03 fg
    枫香树 L. formosana 261.80±9.86 c 9.22±0.35 c 6.70±0.25 c 90.01±7.50 d 1620.30±135.03 d 0.26±0.02 d
    榔榆 U. parvifolia 343.16±20.01 a 12.08±0.70 a 8.78±0.51 a 115.37±8.43 bc 2076.73±151.71 bc 0.33±0.02 bc
    榉树 Z. serrata 200.65±7.39 d 7.06±0.26 d 5.14±0.19 d 77.03±4.37 e 1386.53±78.58 e 0.22±0.01 e
    朴树 C. sinensis 337.41±25.14 a 11.88±0.88 a 8.64±0.64 a 121.65±2.39 ab 2189.66±43.09 ab 0.35±0.00 ab
    垂柳 S. babylonica 299.31±7.16 b 10.54±0.25 b 7.66±0.18 b 89.25±6.49 d 1606.47±116.87 d 0.26±0.19 d
    重阳木 B. polycarpa 276.45±6.50 bc 9.73±0.23 bc 7.08±0.17 bc 106.05±2.92 d 1908.89±52.54 d 0.31±0.08 d
    白玉兰 Y. denudata 194.78+8.04 de 6.86±0.28 de 4.99±0.21 de 61.48±3.02 f 1106.72±54.38 f 0.18±0.01 f
    红枫 A. palmatum 99.36±2.63 f 3.50±0.09 f 2.54±0.07 f 47.11±1.60 g 848.01±28.80 g 0.14±0.00 g
    桂花O. fragrans 174.60±10.21 e 6.15±0.36 e 4.47±0.26 e 56.98±3.81 fg 1025.67±68.55 fg 0.16±0.01 fg
    珊瑚树 V. odoratissimum 203.46±11.06 d 7.16±0.39 d 5.21±0.28 d 61.95±0.61 f 1115.02±11.04 f 0.18±0.00 f
    木槿 H. syriacus 271.08±5.78 c 9.54±0.20 c 6.94±0.15 c 132.01±5.70 a 2376.15±102.55 a 0.38±0.16 a
    常绿树种 Evergreen species 182.21±51.81 8.02±2.28 5.83±1.66 64.97±14.23 1169.46±256.22 0.19±0.04
    落叶树种 Deciduous species 203.02±60.16 8.93±2.64 6.50±1.93 93.33±27.50 1679.94±495.00 0.27±0.08
    乔木 Arbor 203.67±61.87 8.96±2.72 6.52±1.98 84.89±24.85 1528.05±447.25 0.25±0.07
    灌木 Shrub 173.10±34.91 7.62±1.54 5.54±1.12 83.65±36.50 1505.62±656.97 0.24±0.11
    平均值 Average value 196.62±57.86 8.65±2.55 6.29±1.85 84.60±27.42 1522.87±493.58 0.24±0.08
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    表  3  13种园林植物单位土地面积日固碳释氧、降温增湿量

    Table  3.   Per leaf area daily carbon-fixation, oxygen-release, atmosphere-cooling, and humidifying effect of 13 landscape plants

    Tree species
    Green quantity per
    $ {{Q}}_{{{{\rm{CO}}}}_{{2}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)
    $ {{Q}}_{{{{\rm{O}}}}_{{2}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1)
    $ {{V}}_{{{{\rm{H}}}}_{{2}}{{\rm{O}}}} $/(g·m−2·d−1
    香樟 C. camphora 298.33±2.12 b 3.54±0.35 bc 41.42±1.23 a 30.12±0.90 a 5504.21±329.28 e 0.88±0.05 e
    广玉兰 M. grandiflora 86.66±0.97 g 3.64±0.65 abc 25.70±1.29 c 18.69±0.94 c 3575.48±698.18 fg 0.57±0.11 fg
    枫香树 L. formosana 322.45±1.46 a 3.61±0.27 bc 33.27±1.25 b 24.19±0.91 b 5849.29±487.47 de 0.94±0.08 de
    榔榆 U. parvifolia 100.29±1.79 f 3.58±0.37 bc 43.24±2.52 a 31.45±1.83 a 7434.69±543.12 ab 1.19±0.09 ab
    榉树 Z. serrata 188.30±1.30 c 3.72±0.26 abc 26.27±0.97 c 19.11±0.70 c 5157.91±292.30 e 0.83±0.05 e
    朴树 C. sinensis 97.18±1.90 f 3.47±0.30 c 41.21±3.07 a 29.97±2.23 a 7598.12±149.51 a 1.22±0.02 a
    垂柳 S. babylonica 114.14±0.97 e 3.92±0.35 ab 41.30±0.99 a 30.04±0.72 a 6297.37±458.11 cd 1.01±0.07 cd
    重阳木 B. polycarpa 151.05±1.43 d 3.54±0.62 bc 34.45±0.80 b 25.05±0.59 b 6757.47±186.00 bc 1.08±0.03 bc
    白玉兰 Y. denudata 37.59±2.26 i 2.16±0.35 e 14.81±0.61 e 10.77±0.44 e 2390.52±117.45 h 0.38±0.02 h
    红枫 A. palmatum 3.73±0.62 k 1.94±0.37 e 6.78±0.18 f 4.93±0.13 f 1645.13±55.86 i 0.26±0.01 i
    桂花 O. fragrans 42.86±1.93 h 4.04±0.33 a 24.83±1.45 c 18.06±1.06 c 4143.72±276.95 f 0.66±0.04 f
    珊瑚树 V. odoratissimum 38.16±1.70 i 3.05±0.40 d 21.84±1.19 d 15.88±0.86 d 3400.81±33.68 g 0.55±0.01 g
    木槿 H. syriacus 24.55±2.04 j 2.73±0.30 d 26.05±0.56 c 18.95±0.40 c 6486.90±279.97 cd 1.04±0.04 cd
    常绿树种 Evergreen species 113.63±113.92 3.57±0.56 28.45±8.04 20.69±5.85 4156.05±930.44 0.67±0.15
    落叶树种 Deciduous species 114.97±93.01 3.19±0.77 29.71±12.11 21.61±8.81 5513.05±2059.39 0.88±0.33
    乔木 Arbor 139.51±99.24 3.31±0.76 30.85±12.03 22.43±8.75 5221.02±2010.00 0.84±0.32
    灌木 Shrub 31.37±11.84 3.27±0.66 24.24±2.11 17.63±1.54 4677.14±1408.85 0..75±0.23
    平均值 Average value 114.56±98.37 3.30±0.73 29.32±10.93 21.32±7.95 5095.51±1885.46 0.82±0.30
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    表  4  13种园林植物光合特性相关性分析

    Table  4.   Correlation between photosynthetic characteristics of 13 landscape plants

    Pn 1
    Gs 0.862** 1
    Ci 0.012 0.391** 1
    Tr 0.827** 0.826** 0.113 1
    Vpdl −0.291** −0.440** −0.547** 0.043 1
    Ta −0.205 −0.356** −0.496** 0.132 0.960** 1
    Tl −0.204 −0.352** −0.494** 0.138 0.962** 1.000** 1
    Ca −0.674** −0.589** 0.247* −0.701** −0.102 −0.042 −0.047 1
    RH 0.313** 0.462** 0.582** −0.011 −0.933** −0.825** −0.830** 0.225* 1
    PAR 0.576** 0.394** −0.183 0.642** 0.258* 0.363** 0.360** −0.463** −0.139 1
    Wco2 0.977** 0.832** −0.102 0.709** −0.834** −0.728** −0.725** −0.655* 0.903** 0.722** 1
    WH2O 0.781** 0.955** 0.379 0.965** −0.622* −0.490 −0.482 −0.546 0.760** 0.659* 0.816** 1
    ** and * indicate extremely significant correlation(P<0.01) and significant correlation(P<0.05), respectively.
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