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蒋晓涵 杨春艳 王车昭 刘新锐

蒋晓涵,杨春艳,王车昭,等. 紫芝体细胞不亲和性与遗传差异分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(5):550−556 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.006
引用本文: 蒋晓涵,杨春艳,王车昭,等. 紫芝体细胞不亲和性与遗传差异分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(5):550−556 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.006
JIANG X H, YANG C Y, WANG C Z, et al. Somatic Incompatibility and Genetic Differences among Strains of Ganoderma sinense [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(5):550−556 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.006
Citation: JIANG X H, YANG C Y, WANG C Z, et al. Somatic Incompatibility and Genetic Differences among Strains of Ganoderma sinense [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(5):550−556 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.006


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.05.006
基金项目: 福建省科技重大专项(2022NZ029015)

    蒋晓涵(2000 —),女,硕士研究生,主要从事食用菌遗传育种研究,E-mail:978234858@qq.com


    刘新锐(1980 —),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事食用菌遗传育种研究,E-mail: 121376381@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: Q36

Somatic Incompatibility and Genetic Differences among Strains of Ganoderma sinense

  • 摘要:   目的  评价不同紫芝(Ganoderma sinense)菌株间体细胞不亲和反应与遗传差异的关系,为应用体细胞不亲和性评价紫芝菌株间的遗传差异提供依据。  方法  以7个不同交配基因型的紫芝单核体为亲本,应用单向或者双向核迁移技术构建双核体菌株;通过在PDA培养基配对检测双核体菌株间的体细胞不亲和性,并采用ISSR、RAPD和SRAP 3种分子标记综合分析双核体菌株间的遗传差异。  结果  构建了5类遗传背景清晰的不同双核体菌株11个,它们之间的体细胞不亲性反应分为亲和、不亲和,其中不亲和反应出现隔离区、隔离区带线状和类似墙式结构的3种类型;3种分子标记综合分析显示,11个菌株间的遗传相似系数0.29~0.97,UPMGA聚类树状图能很好地展示11个双核体菌株间的遗传差异,并与亲本来源相一致。  结论  紫芝菌株间的体细胞不亲性反应主要受细胞核的影响,而细胞质的影响极小,并且紫芝菌株间的体细胞不亲性反应类型与菌株间的遗传差异相对应,在以后的紫芝种质资源遗传差异评价中,可应用操作简便的体细胞不亲和性进行初步分析。
  • 图  1  紫芝双核体在PDA培养基上的SI反应


    Figure  1.  SI reactions of heterokaryotic G. sinense colonies on PDA

    F: front; B: back. The five pairing types of heterokaryons, Ⅰ: same dikaryon in different FP; Ⅱ: one same monokaryon with one different monokaryon in the same FP; Ⅲ: different dikaryon in the same FP; Ⅳ: one same monokaryon with one different monokaryon in different FP; Ⅴ: different dikaryon in different FP. Control check(CK).

    图  2  11株紫芝ISSR、RAPD和SRAP分析UPMGA聚类树状图

    Figure  2.  UPMGA dendrogram based on ISSR, RAPD, and SRAP of 11 G. sinense strains

    表  1  引物序列

    Table  1.   Sequences of primers for molecular markers

    Molecular marker
    Molecular marker
    ISSR引物中的单字母简写代表多碱基混合位点。位置:D= (A, G, T), H= (A, C, T), B= (C, G, T),R= (A, G),V= (A, C, G)。
    Single letter abbreviations of ISSR primers for mixed base. Positions: D= (A, G, T), H= (A, C, T), B= (C, G, T), R= (A, G), V= (A, C, G).
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    表  2  测试菌株信息

    Table  2.   Information on tested strains

    Parents and mating types
    Parent and mating type
    Sh2 G.s0007-31FP A1B7、G.s0011-16 A3B3 Sh13 G.s0007-31 A1B7、G.s0011-3 FP A2B2
    Sh3 G.s0011-16 FP A3B3、G.s0012-28 A5B5 Sh14 G.s0007-31 FP A1B7、G.s0012-26 A4B4
    Sh4 G.s0011-16 A3B3、G.s0012-28 FP A5B5 Sh15 G.s0007-31 A1B7、G.s0012-26 FP A4B4
    Sh9 G.s0004-11 A1B1、G.s0011-16 FP A3B3 Sh21 G.s0011-3 A2B2、G.s0012-28 FP A5B5
    Sh10 G.s0004-11 FP A1B1、G.s0011-16 A3B3 Sh24 G.s0004-11 A1B1、G.s0014-36 FP A7B7
    Sh12 G.s0007-31 FP A1B7、G.s0011-3 A2B2
    FP:female parent.
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    表  3  测试菌株的体细胞不和性与遗传关系

    Table  3.   Relationships between SI and genetic differences among strains

    Type of heterokaryon
    Information of antagonism
    Genetic similarity coefficient
    Ⅰ 同核异质体
    Same dikaryon in different FP
    Sh3×Sh4 - 0.97
    Sh12×Sh13 - 0.97
    Sh14×Sh15 - 0.95
    Ⅱ 细胞质和一个核相同,另一个核不同
    one same monokaryon with one different monokaryon in the same FP
    Sh2×Sh14 G+ 0.66
    Sh2×Sh12 G+ 0.74
    Sh3×Sh9 GL++ 0.66
    Ⅲ 细胞质相同,细胞核不同
    Different dikaryon in the same FP
    Sh4×Sh15 G+++ 0.46
    Sh3×Sh13 G+++ 0.63
    Sh9×Sh13 G++ 0.57
    Ⅳ 一个核相同,另一个核与细胞质都不同
    one same monokaryon with one different monokaryon in different FP
    Sh3×Sh10 GL++ 0.69
    Sh2×Sh15 G+ 0.66
    Sh3×Sh2 W-l S 0.54
    Ⅴ 细胞质和细胞核均不同
    Different dikaryon in different FP
    Sh2×Sh21 G++ 0.66
    Sh3×Sh14 G+++ 0.49
    Sh14×Sh24 G++++ 0.29
    FP代表母本;SI反应分为(1)无拮抗-,(2)隔离型G,和(3)隔离型带线状GL和(4)菌丝墙式结构W-l S;“+”表示弱拮抗,“++”中等拮抗,“+++”强拮抗,“++++”非常强拮抗。
    FP: female parent; 4 types of SI including(1)-: no antagonism; (2)G: gap; (3)GL: gap with line; and(4) W-1 S: hyphal wall-like structure; +: slight reaction; ++: moderate reaction; +++: strong reaction;++++: extremely strong reaction.
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