• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


A Multiplex RT-PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detecting Akabane Virus, Bovine Herpesvirus 1, and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus

  • 摘要:
    目的 旨在建立一种可同时检测赤羽病病毒(akabane virus, AKAV)、牛疱疹病毒1型(bovine herpesvirus 1, BoHV-1)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(bovine viral diarrhea virus, BVDV)的多重RT-PCR检测方法,为牛繁殖障碍类疫病鉴别诊断及防控奠定基础。
    方法 针对AKAV的 S基因、BoHV-1的 gH基因和BVDV的 3'UTR保守区域设计3对引物,通过反应条件参数的优化,建立AKAV、BoHV-1和BVDV多重RT-PCR检测方法。
    结果 特异性结果显示,该方法仅对AKAV、BoHV-1和BVDV阳性样品检测为阳性,对牛细小病毒(bovine parvovirus, BPV)、牛呼吸道合胞体病毒(bovine respiratory syncytial virus, BRSV)、牛副流感病毒3型(bovine parainfluenza virus 3, BPIV3)、口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus, FMDV)、牛流行热病毒(bovine ephemeral fever rhabdovirus, BEFV)等阳性样品检测为阴性。敏感性结果显示,该方法对AKAV、BoHV-1和BVDV重组质粒的下限阈值均为1.0×103 拷贝·μL−1。重复性结果显示,批内、批间重复性均较好。利用建立的方法对143份患繁殖障碍的牛全血/组织样品进行测定,并与现有的地方标准进行对比,验证本检测方法的实际临床应用效能。结果显示,AKAV、BoHV-1和BVDV的阳性率分别为2.80%(4/143)、21.68%(31/143)、38.46%(55/143),存在混合感染现象,与AKAV、BoHV-1和BVDV地方标准检测方法的符合率为99.3%、98.6%和97.2%,Kappa系数分别为0.885、0.960和0.942,表明本研究建立的方法与地方标准检测结果一致性良好。
    结论 本研究开创性建立了一种特异性强、灵敏度高和成本低的多重RT-PCR检测方法,适用于AKAV、BoHV-1和BVDV的鉴别检测。


    Objective A multiplex RT-PCR assay for rapid and simultaneous detection of akabane virus (AKAV), bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1), and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was developed.
    Method Three pairs of primers were designed for the conservative regions of S genes of AKAV, gH of BoHV-1, and 3'UTR of BVDV for establishing an RT-PCR assay capable of detecting the three viruses simultaneously under optimized reaction conditions.
    Result  The assay detected positive only on AKAV, BoHV-1, and BVDV but negative on bovine parvovirus (BPV), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (BPIV-3), foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), and bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV). The minimum detection thresholds of the assay were 1.0×103 copies·μL−1 on the recombinant plasmids of the three target viruses with high intra- and inter-batch reproducibility. On 143 whole blood/tissue specimens of cattle with reproductive disorders that included cases with mixed infections, it delivered the positivity rates on AKAV, BoHV-1, and BVDV of 2.80% (4/143), 21.68% (31/143), and 38.46% (55/143) as well as the conformity rates with the local standards for AKAV, BoHV-1, and BVDV of 99.3%, 98.6%, and 97.2% with the Kappa coefficients of 0.885, 0.960, and 0.942 respectively.
    Conclusion The newly established multiplex RT-PCR assay displayed high specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility in detecting AKAV, BoHV-1, and BVDV simultaneously with a considerably reduced operation cost.


