• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Pollen Characteristics and Processing Technology Optimization of Male Actinidia arguta at Flower Development Stages

  • 摘要:
    目的 研究软枣猕猴桃雄株不同发育阶段花粉含量与活力,分析不同干燥前预处理方法对花粉加工效率的影响及干燥温度对花粉活力的影响,以优化软枣猕猴桃花粉生产加工工艺。
    方法 以软枣猕猴桃雄株品系辽农3-1为试材,比较开花前5、4、3、2、1 d和开花1 d花(花蕾)的花粉含量及花粉活力;对6种干燥前预处理方法(不处理、剥取花药、匀浆机3 s、匀浆机2 s、匀浆机1 s和手工掰开成两半)进行比较;研究在22 、25 、28 ℃等3种温度条件下花蕾的干燥速度及花粉活力的差异。
    结果 随着花的发育,花粉量急速增多,在开花前2 d时花粉可采集量最多,为1.276%,之后随着花药的破裂,可采集花粉量迅速降低,呈现二次幂曲线形态。花蕾干燥前预处理方法选用匀浆机匀浆1 s打碎花蕾,即可短时间内有效打碎花蕾,缩短花蕾干燥时间,同时精粉中杂质含量少,是有效可行的处理方法。花蕾相对干质量<23%时,水分减少趋缓,呈现干燥状态,随着干燥温度的升高,干燥用时缩短,28 ℃条件下干燥用时为13 h,花蕾相对干质量为22.98%,且花粉活力与22 ℃和25 ℃散出花粉没有显著性差异。
    结论 大量采集软枣猕猴桃雄株花粉,可优先选择开花前2 d花蕾,使用匀浆机匀浆1 s处理,然后在28 ℃条件下干燥后,使用精粉提取机制取花粉。


    Objective Contents, vitality, and optimal preservation conditions of male Actinidia arguta pollens at flowering stages were studied.
    Method Average amounts and viability of the pollens in the flower buds of an A. arguta Liaonong 3-1 plant in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 d before and 1d after flowering were compared. Prior to dehydration, the collected buds were either used as it with no pretreatment (CK), broken in half by hand one at a time, manually picked for anthers, or mechanically homogenized for 3 s, 2 s or 1 s (in the homogenizer) . Rates of flower bud dehydration and pollen viability retention at drying temperatures of 22 ℃, 25 ℃, and 28 ℃ were measured.
    Result  As the flowers developing on the plants, amount of pollens rapidly increased to reach a maximum of 1.276% by weight 2 d before flowering. Anthers-picking drastically reduced the subsequent pollen production on a plant. A quadratic power function on pollen collection was observed. Homogenizing flower buds for 1 s helped release the pollens facilitating pollen drying in the dehydration and impurity reduction in the final pollen collection. In dehydration, higher temperature hastened the process, and the evaporation slowed down gradually after the relative dry weight of the buds fell below 23%. At 28 ℃, the relative dry weight of the flower buds could be brought to 22.98% in 13 h with no significant difference on pollen vitality from what was achieved by drying at 22 ℃ or 25 ℃.
    Conclusion Male A. arguta flower buds could be collected 2 d before flowering to be homogenized for 1s and dried at 28 ℃ for 13 h to obtain large quantities of highly vital, fine powder pollens.


