• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Stem Rot-resistant and Growth-promoting Effects of Trichoderma on Anoectochilus roxburghii

  • 摘要:
    目的 分离具有金线兰茎腐病拮抗作用的木霉菌,为生防菌的开发提供理论基础。
    方法 以金线兰仿野生种植植株为材料,利用组织分离法分离木霉菌,利用形态特征与ITS和rpb2序列同源性分析鉴定其分类,利用平板对峙法鉴定其抗茎腐病能力,并对不同木霉菌的促生长作用进行评价。
    结果 利用组织分离法分离3株木霉菌A21B-1、A21B-2和A21E。经鉴定,3株木霉株分别为哈茨木霉拟康宁木霉和Trichoderma longifialidicum。对峙生长表明,3种木霉菌株均对茎腐病病原菌尖孢镰刀菌ASP01表现较强的抑制作用,其抑制率分别达75.29%、73.55%和 60.02%。室内防效结果表明,A21B-1菌株对茎腐病有较强的抑制作用,接种15 d后病情抑制率达91.9%,可作为该病的生物防治候选菌株。促进生长试验表明,种植6个月后,施用3个木霉菌的金线兰植株的单株重、株高、茎粗、叶面积及SPAD值较对照均显著提高,其中A21B-2与A21E处理的植株单株重比对照分别提高了58.68%与58.99%,叶面积分别提高66.82%与59.73%,可作为金线兰促进生长的候选菌株。同时,施用木霉菌可有效提高金线兰多糖及金线莲苷的含量,其中A21B-2菌株效果最佳,其多糖及金线莲苷含量均较对照提高89.62%与11.83%,可作为促进金线兰药用成分积累的候选菌株。
    结论 3种不同类型的木霉菌在金线兰对抗茎腐病、促进生长和提高多糖含量方面有显著作用。


    Objective  Trichoderma strains antagonistic to stem rot pathogens were studied to develop a biocontrol agent for the disease on Anoectochilus roxburghii.
    Method From the A. roxburghii plants grown under simulated wild conditions, strains of Trichoderma were obtained by tissue isolation and classified by morphological observations and homology analysis with ITS and rpb2 sequences. Ability of the isolates to resist stem rot was evaluated in vitro by the plate confrontation method. Growth of A. roxburghii in the presence of the identified strains was monitored.
    Results  The resistant A21B-1, A21B-2, and A21E strains were isolated and subsequently identified as T. rugulosum, T. koningiopsis, and T. longifialidicum showing the inhibition rates of 75.29%, 73.55%, and 60.02%, respectively, on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. opponiarum ASP01. Furthermore, 15 d after a T. rugulosum inoculation in an indoor control evaluation test A. roxburghii exhibited a significant inhibition rate of 91.9% against the stem rot. That suggested a potentially effective means for control on the disease. In addition, the 3 strains displayed a significant growth promoting effect on the A. roxburghii seedlings in a greenhouse with increased plant weight, height, stem diameter, leaf area, and SPAD value in 6 months. Among them, T. koningiopsis and T. longifialidicum not only significantly increased the plant biomass over control by 58.68% and 58.99% and leaf area by 66.82% and 59.73%, respectively, but also elevated the contents of functional polysaccharides and kinsenoside with the greatest increases of 89.62% on polysaccharides and 11.83% on kinsenoside by T. koningiopsis.
    Conclusion Three strains of Trichoderma demonstrated in vitro a significant antagonistic effect against the stem rot disease on A. roxburghii. Their presence also significantly promoted the growth and increased the functional polysaccharides and kinsenoside contents in the plant.


