• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Biological Characteristics and Effective Bactericides of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae

  • 摘要:
    目的 由丁香假单胞猕猴桃致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, Psa)侵染引起的猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病是危害猕猴桃生产最重要的病害,明确福建地区Psa生物学特征,筛选防治病害的有效杀菌剂,为该病害的科学防治提供依据。
    方法 采用平板菌落测定法和叶片针刺接种法分别研究病菌在不同培养条件下的生长量和致病力,采用叶面喷药法研究9种杀菌剂(商品推荐浓度)对病害的防治效果。
    结果 Psa菌株培养48~72 h,菌量处于相对稳定的增长期,菌株生长最适温度为25 ℃,最适培养基为LBA、NA培养基,用于病菌接种培养的最适培养基为LBA培养基,病菌70 ℃处理10 min后,不能存活。猕猴桃和番茄叶片接种结果显示不同菌株的致病力均存在差异,大多数菌株表现强致病力。此外,有5种杀菌剂对病害表现出较好的预防或治疗效果,60亿芽孢·mL−1解淀粉芽孢杆菌水剂200倍液+3%中生菌素水剂1000倍液、52%甲硫•中生可湿性粉剂1000倍液、10%春雷霉素可湿性粉剂500倍液、3%中生菌素水剂1000倍液和18%松酯酸铜乳油500倍液对病害的预防效果分别为82.99%、79.45%、64.92%、58.39%和43.97%,治疗效果分别为76.33%、65.08%、85.80%、52.65%和74.85%,各杀菌剂处理对猕猴桃叶片安全。
    结论 明确了福建Psa的生物学特征,筛选出60亿芽孢·mL−1解淀粉芽孢杆菌水剂+3%中生菌素水剂、52%甲硫•中生可湿性粉剂、10%春雷霉素可湿性粉剂等对病害表现出较好防治效果的杀菌剂,防效介于64.92%~85.80%。


    Objective Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), pathogen of the bacterial canker disease severely affecting the kiwifruit production in Fujian, was studied and effective bactericidal agents selected.
    Methods  Colony count on petri dishes and pathogenicity by leaf stabbing inoculation were used to determine the conditions optimal for Psa propagation. Control efficacy of 9 bactericides at the supplier’s recommended dose was observed by spraying the agents separately on the Psa-inoculated kiwifruit leaves.
    Results The Psa population increased in culture at 25 ℃ at a relatively constant rate for 48-72 h but did not survive under 70 ℃ for 10 min. Either LBA or NA medium could be used appropriately for the culture, and LBA for the inoculation. The strain dependent pathogenicity of different strains of Psa, FJ02, FJ04, and FJ08, on kiwifruit and tomato leaves were substantial. Of the 9 bactericides tested, 5 were more potent: (a) 200× aqueous suspension of 6 billion Bacillus amyloliquefaciens gemmae·mL−1+ 1 000× aqueous dilution of 3% ZhongShengmycin, (b) 1 000× solution of 52% methionate·ZhongShengmycin wettable powder, (c) 500× solution of 10% kasugamycin wettable powder, (d) 1 000× aqueous dilution of 3% ZhongShengmycin, and (e) 500× solution of 18% copper rosinate emulsion. Respectively, they provided the prevention effects of 82.99%, 79.45%, 64.92%, 58.39%, and 43.97% and the control effects of 76.33%, 65.08%, 85.80%, 52.65%, and 74.85%. The germicidal treatments were deemed safe on kiwifruit leaves.
    Conclusion  The biological characteristics Psa and the effective canker preventive and control bactericides for kiwifruits were successfully determined. The tested agents (a), (b), and (c) were recommended for field application.


