• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Identification, Biological Characteristics, and Effective Fungicide of Pathogen Causing Leaf Spot Disease on Vicia faba in Jiangsu Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 明确江苏省蚕豆叶斑病的病原种类和病原菌生物特性,筛选适用于防控该病的化学药剂。
    方法 通过组织分离法获得病原菌株,结合致病性测定、形态学观察和多基因(ITS、GAPDH)序列联合分析对分离出的菌株进行鉴定,并测定病原菌生物学特性和对10种杀菌剂的敏感性。
    结果 蚕豆叶斑病的病原菌为链格孢(Alternaria alternata),最适生长条件:温度25 ℃,pH 6.0~9.0,连续光照或12 h光暗交替,以麦芽糖或葡萄糖为碳源,以酵母膏或牛肉膏为氮源,马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂或燕麦琼脂培养基。10种杀菌剂中苦参碱和氟啶胺对A. alternata抑菌作用最强,EC50值分别为0.02200.6309 mg·L−1
    结论 本研究鉴定出江苏南通蚕豆叶斑病病原菌为链格孢(A. alternata),并明确其生物学特性,苦参碱和氟啶胺对该病原菌的毒力较高,可用于防控链格孢引起的蚕豆叶斑病。


    Objective Pathogen that caused the leaf spot disease on Vicia faba in Jiangsu Province was identified, its biological characteristics studied, and effective germicide determined.
    Method  Suspected pathogens of the leaf spot disease were collected by tissue isolation culture, and subsequently, identified by a pathogenicity test, morphological observations, and a phylogenetic analysis based on ITS and GAPDH sequence. Biological characteristics and sensitivity to 10 fungicides of the identified pathogen were determined.
    Results  Alternaria alternata was identified as the pathogen that infected V. faba in Jiangsu. It grew optimally on a potato dextrose agar or an oatmeal agar medium containing maltose or glucose for carbon source and yeast or beef extract for nitrogen at 25 ℃ and pH 6.0—9.0 under continuous light exposure or 12 h alternating light and dark conditions. Among the 10 fungicides tested, sophocarpidine and fluazinam exhibited the greatest inhibition on the growth of the isolate at EC50 of 0.0220 mg·L−1 and 0.6309 mg·L−1, respectively.
    Conclusion  The pathogen of the leaf spot disease on V. faba in Nantong, Jiangsu was identified to be A. alternata. Its biological characteristics and high in vitro toxicity by sophocarpidine and fluazinam were determined.


