• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Identification and Sequencing of Gene Related to Length of Rice Grain

  • 摘要:
    目的 水稻粒长是水稻粒型构成因素之一,直接影响籽粒产量,挖掘更多粒型相关基因对水稻粒型遗传改良具有重要意义。
    方法 以构建的水稻籼粳亚种间组合佳辐占×日本晴构建的499个重组自交系群体为研究材料,以水稻粒长性状为鉴定指标,通过图位克隆的方法,对水稻长粒性状数量性状基因座进行鉴定,并对该长粒性状在育种中的应用进行分析。
    结果 在重组自交系群体中检测到一个主效粒长基因GS3,并将该基因定位在物理距离16310~18161 kb,长度约为1851 kb。通过测序分析发现,佳辐占与日本晴相比,该基因仅有1个碱基的差异,为第2个外显子的第48个碱基由C突变为A,造成蛋白翻译提前终止。进一步分析发现研究者利用粒长基因GS3选育的佳早1号和佳福香占在粒长、粒宽及长宽比上与野生型佳辐占无显著差异。
    结论 佳辐占×日本晴重组自交系中可检测到长粒基因GS3,并可稳定遗传应用。本研究为后期GS3基因的功能研究以及水稻高产优质的遗传改良提供优异的基因资源和理论依据。


    Objective The gene that regulates the length of a rice grain, which directly relates to crop yield, was identified and sequenced for breed improvement.
    Method  Through map-based cloning, 499 recombinant inbred lines derived from the interspecific cross between Jiafuzhan (indica) and Nipponokin (japonica) were employed to identify the quantitative trait loci associated with the phenotypic trait.
    Result A major plasmid length of GS3 was 1851 kb, detected in the recombinant inbred line population located approximately within the physical distance 16310–18161 kb. Since only the 48th base of the second exon was mutated from C to A between the genes of Jiafuzhan and Nipponbare, protein translation was no longer necessary. Further analysis on Jiazao No. 1 and Jiafuxiangzhan bred using the GS3 showed no significant difference than the wild type Jiafuzhan in grain length, width, or length-width ratio.
    Conclusion  The long-grain gene GS3 could be detected in the recombinant inbred lines of Jiafuzhan × Nipponbare, and could be stably inherited and applied. The information on GS3 obtained in this study was of value for future studies to genetically improve rice production.


